
Tuna is a delicious and healthy fish, but it can be hard to find in your local grocery store. Bluefin tuna is one of the most expensive types of tuna because it’s considered “high quality” and has a higher fat content than other types of bluefin. If you’re looking for a way to cook this meaty fish, the poke might be perfect for you! In this recipe, I’ll show you how easy it is to make bluefin poke at home so that next time we have friends over for dinner or just want something different on our plate at home.

Tuna as steak

While it may be surprising to learn that tuna and steak are similar, there are some similarities between the two. Both can be cooked in a similar manner and made into delicious meals. Tuna, like other fish and kinds of seafood, is a good source of protein. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce inflammation in the body’s joints and muscles.

The biggest similarity is the texture

The texture of tuna is similar to beef. It’s solid white meat that can be cooked in any way you like, including steaks and burgers.

Tuna has more than 90 grams of protein per serving (1 cup), which makes it a good source of protein for people looking to increase their intake of this essential nutrient.

The mild flavor of bluefin tuna makes it easy to enjoy even when you’re new at cooking fish or trying out new recipes!

Bluefin tuna can be hard to find

Bluefin tuna is a specialty item that you may have to go out of your way to find. If you live in an area where bluefin tuna is readily available, then it’s likely that you can find it at your local grocery store. However, if you live in an area where bluefin tuna is not as common and/or expensive, then it might be worth asking the fishmonger if they happen to carry them on their menu.

For other recipes that call for fillets of fish

Unlike some of the other recipes that call for fillets of fish, poke is made from chunks of fish. Bluefin tuna is a very popular fish in the United States and one of the most expensive to eat. Because it’s so expensive, many people don’t think it’s sustainable to eat bluefin tuna every day. But they’re wrong! As I’ve said before, sustainable seafood isn’t necessarily more expensive than non-sustainable seafood. In fact, many times it can be less expensive!

Bluefin tuna are important because they help keep our oceans clean by eating algae and other pollution in their environment (which means less waste being thrown into our oceans by humans). They also help with population control because when these large fish die naturally or from human activity (like fishing), there aren’t enough left alive for predators like sharks or seals to prey upon them as often as before meaning fewer species will die off due to overhunting/fishing pressure from humans.

local fish market to find chunks and slices

Bluefin tuna is a very expensive fish. It’s also a very popular fish. Bluefin tuna is sustainable, healthy, and delicious and not easy to find in grocery stores.

Bluefin tuna have been around since before humans learned how to cook with fire (about 10,000 years ago). It’s found in many countries around the world but only spawning colors can be caught by humans. Other colors are too small or too young for human consumption.

You can serve this as an appetizer or as a meal with rice

If you’re planning to serve this as an appetizer, you can use any of your favorite dipping sauces. If you’re serving it as a meal with rice, make sure that the side dish is something light and healthy.


  • 4 ounces of bluefin tuna
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce (or tamari)
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated (about 2 teaspoons)
  • 1 teaspoon honey (optional)

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Mix until everything is evenly distributed and there are no clumps of tuna left in the mix. Spoon onto a serving platter or individual plates and serve chilled with rice or noodles.

Serve with white rice

  • White rice is a good accompaniment to tuna. It’s a source of carbohydrates and protein, which can help you feel fuller for longer when you’re trying to avoid overeating.
  • Rice is also an excellent way to add texture and flavor without adding too much fat or calories (or both). In fact, I’d recommend serving your tuna with white rice instead of browned ground beef or something similar if you’re looking for something lighter on the wallet–and tasty enough that people won’t mind eating it again later in the day!

A very simple dish to make and it’s healthy too!

This recipe is a very simple dish that you can make in just 15 minutes.

It’s healthy too! And it’s delicious! You don’t have to be a chef to prepare this dish. You can serve it as an appetizer or as a meal with rice, but we recommend eating it with white rice because we think the fish tastes better with white rice than brown rice.


If you’re looking for a lighter meal, this poke is an excellent choice. It’s packed with nutrients and tastes delicious!