Hammer is a very useful tool. It is used to beat or striking blows on jobs or metals or jobs driving nails etc. It is used to straighten or bend a job made of metal. In addition, it is also used for riveting, chipping, and forging jobs. In other words, we can say that hammer is used in the workshops every time. It is also used in household jobs. Classification of the hammer is done according to their pan, face, weight, or shape. In workshops and other places mainly the following types of hammers are used.

Types of Hammers

Based on their utility the hand hammers are of several types.
  1. According to the standard types of hammers
    1. Hand hammer
    2. Ball Peen hammer
    3. Sledgehammer
    4. Claw hammer
    5. Club hammer
    6. Dead blow hammer
    7. Tack hammer
    8. Rubber mallet
    9. Framing hammer
  2. According to the special types of hammers
    1. Brass hammer
    2. Brick hammer
    3. Blocking hammer
    4. Electrician hammer
    5. Blacksmith hammer
    6. Bushing hammer
    7. Cross peen hammer
    8. Cross peen pin hammer
    9. Drywall hammer
    10. Chasing hammer
    11. Engineers hammer
    12. Hatchet hammer
    13. Machanic hammer
    14. Planishing hammer
    15. Power hammer
    16. Welding hammer
    17. Rock hammer
    18. Straight peen hammer
    19. Trim hammer
    20. Soft-faced hammer
    21. Rip hammer
    22. Scaling hammer
    23. Double peen hammer

1. Hand Hammer

These hammers are made of cast steel of carbon steel. Their pan and face are hardened and tempered. The middle body is kept soft. On one end of the body, face and pan are made.
Parts of a Hammer
Parts of a Hammer
An oval-shaped hole is made in the body in which the handle is fitted by using a wedge. Because of the wedge, the hole is somewhat enlarged and there is no risk of handle becoming loose and coming out. The length of the hammer depends on its weight. On heavy hammers, long handles are used. Contrarily on the lightweight hammers, shorter handle are used. In hand hammers, the handle of 8 to 12 is used. According to I. S. 841-1957, the handles used for marking etc. have 0.11 to 0.33 Kg weight. In the workshops, the hammers used by fitter are generally 0.33 to 0.45 Kg in weight. Heavy hammers are of 0.91 kg in weight. Hammer has the following part which has been shown in the above.

2. Ball Peen Hammer

These types of hammers are most widely used in the workshops. On one end of this ball pane hammer, a plain face is made and on the other end, a pane of 3/4 like a round ball is made.
Types of Hammers - Ball Peen Hammer
It is used for setting the rivet. It is also used to strike blows on a metal sheet up to a certain depth. This types of hammers has been shown in the figure. Its weight is between 0. 11 to 0.91 kg.

3. Sledge Hammer

These are mostly used in blacksmithy for straightening round rods, iron bars, angle iron, channel, or flat iron.
Types of Hammers - Sledge Hammer
Sledge Hammer
Its shape is similar to a double face hammer. These are used for heavy jobs their weight is more. Their weight is from 4 Kg to 10 Kg. It has been illustrated in the figure.

4. Claw Hammer

These are special types of hammers. On one end of this hammer, a round face is made and on the other end, its pane is inclined towards the handle.
Types of Hammers - Claw Hammer
Claw Hammer
In its center, a slot is cut, with whose help nails, etc. Can be easily extracted (taken out). This hammer generally used by the carpenters in the carpentry trade. It has been shown in the figure.

5. Club Hammer

If compared to as a drilling hammer or lump hammer, the tool has a small