Cancer is a critical condition that has affected the lives of millions of people. According to different research surveys, it is estimated that there were 18.1 million cancer patients worldwide in 2018, and this count is expected to rise to a record 29.5 million by 2040. It can consume different organs of the human body and frequently results in death. According to the World Health Organization, around 10 million people died due to cancer in 2020, making it a leading cause of death worldwide. Many charity organizations try to help these people survive such serious conditions by paying for their treatment and medications.

Various organizations hold fundraising activities to raise funds to help cancer patients. From gaming to concerts, many different activities are organized to raise funds for cancer patients. Several independent firms from a range of sectors also try to fulfill their corporate social responsibility by donating to different causes. For instance, an online gaming portal, Double Jack Online, offers charity gaming to help raise charity for people in need.

Following are some common gaming activities that can help raise funds for cancer patients:

Gaming Live Streams

Due to COVID-19, the gaming industry has seen a huge rise. As people were confined to their homes, there has been an increased interest in playing online games. Surprisingly, live streaming of video games has seen a much sharper rise than playing games. Hundreds of streamers have gained a massive audience on their channels with the help of streaming platforms like YouTube, Twitch, etc. Streaming platforms have been so successful that many charity organizations have collaborated with streamers to organize virtual fundraisers for people in need.

Video game streaming is an exciting activity that can be utilized as a charity event to raise funds for cancer patients. Millions of people watch live streams every day. With a great audience, streaming events have tremendous potential to succeed in fundraising.

Gaming Tournaments

Another interesting charity gaming activity includes organizing a gaming event. The gaming event can help initiate a virtual fundraiser where people can also bet on their favorite participants. The winnings can be distributed among the winners and charity organizations.

Ball of money in the hands of a person

It is critical to use games with a high audience to organize such a tournament. Games that people would love to watch and play. After getting a large audience for the online contest, people can bet on the players. It’s an effective way to collect huge funds.

Online Lottery Gaming

Online lottery has seen a tremendous rise during the coronavirus pandemic. Many people are now participating in online lotteries on different platforms offering huge returns. Not only this, but some of these platforms also collaborate with charities and distribute the winnings between players and such organizations. These platforms have initiated different events to help cancer patients. Online lotteries are a great way to raise funds for charity organizations, running on ideas like gaming for social good. The more the participants, the more the funds.

Money in the hands of a person

Sell Gaming Merchandise

The selling of merch has long been used to raise funds for different causes like breast cancer, helping refugees, etc. Gaming merch is becoming popular as many people like to buy personalized gaming stuff. So, an organization can start an event where they collaborate with clothing stores and sell custom gaming merchandise to raise funds for cancer patients. They can also take the help of different games and popular gamers to sell exclusive merchandise to help cancer patients.


This blog’s author is a long-term lottery player associated with a philanthropic gaming platform, Double Jack Online, which provides people opportunities to make money from home by playing online lottery games. They offer easy and convenient options to make money online by giving the best odds. They also offer charity gaming to help people in need. They have a unique distribution system that distributes rewards among winners and charity organizations. Visit their website to play different games and contribute to the community by gaming for social good.