This incident occurred in the Sheopur district, Madhya Pradesh around the afternoon of 11th July 2022(Monday), when the victim named Antar Singh Kevat was spotted near the banks of the Chambal River.

A giant crocodile nearly 8 feet long, swallowed a 10-year-old-kid while he was bathing in the Chambal river. Some villagers claim that they saw the kid being attacked by a giant crocodile and dragged into the river before the villagers could try to help the boy.

Soon, the villagers started to gather around the spot and captured the crocodile with the help of a net and pulled the creature out of the water, having the hopes of the boy still being alive inside the crocodile. The crocodile was trapped tied with ropes and nets, with sticks in its mouth, and a large number of villagers surrounded around.