Your most diligent employees deserve to reap the benefits of their hard work. Rewards are an effective way to boost morale in the workplace. These rewards can be as simple as praise or small corporate gifts.

Here are some excellent ways to recognise your employee’s contribution to your organisation.

Show Gratitude Publicly

It’s one thing to give a message of thanks to your employee privately, but they’re more likely to remember a public show of appreciation. Now, you don’t have to throw a party or shout it out in the office! Simply acknowledging their achievements with sincerity in a company-wide forum, meeting, or email will suffice. This public praise also invites their colleagues to congratulate them for their hard work.

If you want to go the extra mile in praising your best employee, you can feature them in your company blog and newsletter.

Be Specific in Your Praise

As much as you want to say, “Good job!” and call it a day, it’s great to be specific. A top-performing employee would appreciate the details of their accomplishments recognised. Don’t skimp on compliments! Make your message clear yet genuine.

There’s no need to write a whole novel; make it concise so long as the reason why you’re giving the commendation is evident. A great example would be complimenting an employee’s work and elaborating on how their effort helped your company or clients grow.

Give a Gift Card

Skip the overused corporate gifts like a mug, notebook, or calendar. A gift card might seem overused too, but if you play your cards right, they will appreciate it. You don’t want to give them a gift card to some service they won’t be able to enjoy – put some extra thought into it.

If you’re struggling to think of a gift card, remember that food is universally loved. You can’t go wrong with a restaurant gift card. If that’s still too specific, go for a customisable gift card they can use at different retailers and services.

Skill Incentives

Money drives an employee to perform at their best. Monetary bonuses for employees might be beneficial in the long run. If you give it out of the blue, it won’t seem like a clear-cut declaration of their hard work. Skill incentives are a spectacular way to give bonuses and applaud their contributions in the same light. Make sure to accompany monetary incentives with other means to praise their accomplishments. One of the best way to unlock your employee’s skills within them is to know where they could’ve improved more by doing a board skills matrix, from there you would help your employees to be eligible for these incentives you offer.

Time Off

Everyone wants a vacation at some point in their career. One of the best ways to reward your high-performing employees aside from corporate gifts is to give them some time off away from the workplace. Not only will a vacation refresh their minds, but also motivate them to come back stronger. Time off from the office can be as simple as a half-day shift or a long weekend break.

Corporate rewards aren’t rocket science. You don’t have to shell out a massive amount of money to give rewards and recognition to your employees. It’s essential to understand your employee’s wants and needs. Thoughtful words and corporate gifts go a long way in making them know that all their hard work is greatly appreciated. Rewards are a fantastic way to motivate and improve company culture and work ethic.