Have you ever noticed that every time you go to a high-quality website, there are a plethora of animated movies describing the concepts and services to you? That’s what’s known as the power of well-made animated videos. 

Explainer videos are the name for these animated videos. Explainer videos are all the rage in the world of digital marketing. Because of their ability to produce compelling animations, animators earn millions of dollars.

Every animation video firm provides animators with a diverse selection of animation tasks. 3D animation production company are all the rage on social media.

In the modern digital world, animated video is one of the most engaging yet fascinating ways to share your products and services. If you are an animator then you must be aware of how much time and to struggle it takes to make an animated video.

That’s why we have defined 7 rules to create an engaging yet attractive animated video. If you follow these rules, you will have more chances to make a creative animated explainer video. 

Here in this blog, we have defined seven important rules to create an effective explainer video. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start this blog now! 

Rule 1: Appealing Storyline 

The first step in making an animated work is to write a script. The screenplay is the cornerstone of every video, and it dictates the rest of the process, including storyboarding, creative illustration, engaging animation, and so on. 

It’s a lot easier to draw in black and white with a technological concept. 

Drawings in black and white, such as this one by Andrea Carrot, can be simple or complex. Your script’s content should be dispersed strategically and have a clear structure from beginning to end.

The plot is also crucial for maintaining the attention of your viewers. For example, no matter how appealing and clever your charter is, if the story doesn’t fit the video, you won’t be able to provide your goods and services in a win-win situation.

To make the characters appear more engaging and appealing, an explainer animated video script must have an engaging and interesting storyline. 

Rule 2: Prioritize Creative Characters 

It may become easier to tell your audience what services and things you are offering them if you show them some fun yet intelligent characters.

Animated video characters allow your customers to build a variety of connections with your services. After they understand what is offered to them and how to use the products, it will excite and entice them more than written material.

According to a classic saying, a short and inventive animated video is a thousand times better than a long and precise paragraph on your landing page. Because your audience would rather watch than read about what you’re doing.

Rule 3: Alluring And Captivating Color Effects 

If you know how to experiment with colors theory, it will be simple for you to make your video popular. In the beginning, many animators skip this step. When playing with color theory, keep the right pattern in mind. Also, make sure your characters are the same color as the background.

A captivating whiteboard animation attracts viewers while simultaneously providing them with useful information. Visitors will be drawn to the colors rather than the ingenuity and services you offer if you plan to employ loud and vibrant colors.

In this intriguing and fascinating whiteboard film, subtle and pastel colors are blended with magnificent dark tones. Mixing and mixing materials may be the only way to make a fascinating and appealing whiteboard animated picture.

Rule 4: Utilize Soothing Voice Overs 

Animated videos are incomplete without voice-overs. Yes, voiceovers are equally as important as colour theory in your videos. Same with the background music and sound effect.

But what kind of voice overs should you use? It all depends on the message you want your whiteboard animated videos to convey. For a long time, we’ve been listening to voice overs on FM radios and other podcast channels.

 As a result, having a suitable voice over on your website is essential.

You’ll be requested to employ engaging and amusing voice overs to help make your point if you’re making an instructive animation video.

Use relaxing voice overs that clearly explain the concepts if you’re utilizing voiceovers to clarify your products and services on landing pages. 

This is the most effective way to incorporate voice overs into your presentation.

Rule 5: Employing Appealing Emotions 

Emotions in animations are digitally represented emotions. Your clients and visitors will be more interested if you include emotions in your whiteboard video screenplay and story. 

According to studies, humans are the type of creators that easily acquire anything when given the opportunity to become emotionally engaged with the object they are watching.

If the character in your whiteboard animations is appealing, it will be easier for you to explain things. 

Emotional lines and personalities help people buy things quickly by making them psychologically appealing. However, depending on the nature of your problem, you may need to convey emotions.

If you’re creating an educational or academic video, the emotions should be straightforward and simple, with little humor.

Rule 6: Including Suspense To Boost The Reach

It is a thinking that every individual has as if they want to deliver a message, and suspense will keep your clients and users attentive and happy.

Because of the tension, your audience and clients will spend more time on your website and channel than just a few seconds. Their curiosity in your services and video will be piqued according to the What’s Next theory.

Providing twists and suspense will make it easier and smoother for you to engage your audience. Keeping your viewers guessing until the video’s very end will draw notice to your animation services.

Rule 7: Including Creative Elements 

The basic idea behind a whiteboard animated film is to create a hand to indicate that the artist or your teacher is telling you a true narrative. This is how you make a whiteboard animated video the old-fashioned way. 

Many animators believe that adding a basic hand to your animated video will make it more creative and interesting. In a nutshell, adding a hand to your motion graphics animated film will make it more appealing and complex.

Final Words 

Professional video production may appear intimidating, but it is not. You’ll see a significant improvement in the content, interaction, and outcomes of your videos if you follow the advice in this post.

Before you start shooting your movies, don’t put too much attention on having the best equipment.

Any artist must go through this process, and the more you practice with a limited budget and equipment, the better you’ll be when you have the right equipment.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your equipment together and start filming your video. When you’re done filming, utilize our video maker to rapidly stitch your shots together and upload your video to the web.