Our nervous system is made up of important parts of the body such as the spinal cord, brain muscles and nerves. Any problem with the nervous system can cause a neurological disorder.
Our nervous system is responsible for many actions such as breathing, memory, walking, sleeping etc. Neurological disorders are diseases that affect our central and peripheral nervous systems.
Let’s See Some Neurological Disorders
1. Stroke:
Stroke is the condition in which there is a lack of supply of blood to the brain, and due to the less supply of blood, the brain cells receive less oxygen which leads to brain strokes. Hence it affects the functioning of the brain.
Some typical signs of brain stroke include difficulty in walking, speaking, seeing, lack of coordination, confusion, severe headaches etc.
2. Epilepsy:
Epilepsy is a type of disorder in which your brain functions abnormally. It occurs because of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Epilepsy occurs due to brain stroke, brain injury, lack of oxygen or drug misuse. This problem can be due to age factors or childhood conditions.
3. Parkinson’s Disease:
It is a nervous system disorder which usually happens in your old age. It gets worse with time. Common symptoms of this disorder include muscle rigidity which affects facial and physical movement,
Muscle tremors mean pain in the arms or hands and slowed movement, which means slow activity and slow walking. You can observe cognitive and behaviour problems later in life due to this disease, and it cannot be cured.
4. Alzheimer’s Disease:
Alzheimer’s disease affects your mental ability to recognize things and is related to memory loss problems. This problem occurs due to many factors, including damage to nerve cells in the brain, genetic problems or other environmental factors etc.
Symptoms o Alzheimer’s problems include poor judgement, short term memory loss, problems in performing daily activities, misplacing things, change in moods etc.
5. Migraines:
It is another kind of disorder characterized by a severe headache which lasts for two to three days. Stress, anxiety, food or hormonal factors can be some of the reasons behind migraine.
It is a throbbing pain which usually occurs on one side of the brain and is sensitive to light and sound.
Nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to sound or smell are some of the symptoms of migraine. Any physical activity during a migraine can make your situation worst.
6. Multiple Sclerosis:
It is a disease that affects the central system. People might lose their ability to see, write, and walk or might be unable to do many activities when the communication between the brain and other parts of the body gets affected.
7. Sleep Disorder:
Sleeping problem is another very common neurological disorder. Most people suffer from insomnia which means less sleep, and it affects our health. Another most common problem is hypersomnia which leads to excess sleep.
This problem is common in any age group. Anxiety, wrong sleeping patterns, and lack of concentration are some of the indications of sleep disorders.
Dr VK Batish is the best neurosurgeon in Chandigarh. He is well accomplished in providing reliable diagnoses and treatments for nervous system disorders. You can contact him for any neurological disease.