Abortion has long been a subject of controversy, with the two primary perspectives being those who view it negatively and those who view it positively. Although the former generally regard abortion as a terminator of life, there are also instances when it becomes necessary to protect the well-being of either a mother or an unborn child. However, both parties should always be made aware that old practices like these will eventually be eradicated by modern technology, which will soon make abortion obsolete.

Although women maintain the right to express their opinions about abortion, their judgments remain as documented guidelines for would-be mothers and their partners to consider. However, some abortions are not made out of selfish reasons and ambitions. At times, it has to do with health, and it is countered by a medical process that ought to be done in an abortion clinic. The parallelism of a medical issue and a medical procedure is pretty much understandable in this given scenario. Next, we will discuss the reasons for these health-related issues :-


Birth Defects

Although many factors can contribute to birth defects, the percentage of women affected is small. Statistics say that only 5% or less of pregnant women develop such problems during conception. However, this does occur. Such conditions may be caused by inherited genes passed from one generation to another, by alterations in female and male reproductive cells during fertilization, or by exposure to harmful elements during pregnancy. It is advised that women consult with a medical expert specializing in genetics or obstetrics and gynaecology before deciding whether to have an abortion.


Precedent group members reported that exposure to harmful elements can be detrimental to fetuses. These elements include some drugs and viruses, which may be accidentally or not made available to pregnant women. It is important for women to know the risks of these exposures during pregnancy, which can be determined by answering a series of questions about a woman’s contact or experience with chemicals, diseases, etc. An obstetrician-gynaecologist may help you determine and confirm these exposures; if either the mother or baby suffers severe side effects from them, an abortion becomes an option.


Harmful Substances

Some medications may be harmful to an embryo. Women should consult a physician before becoming pregnant to find out which substances are harmful to their developing baby. Expectant parents would rather not think about the possibility of abortion.



Overall, your opinion about abortion is a given. It has to do in part with personal preference and their comprehension of the subject. In any case, most cases on the subject are generally based on health issues than anything else. In case of any problem, visit a mother and child care hospital