For companies that belong mainly to the food, pharmaceutical and chemical markets. The conservation of products at temperatures below 0º C. And up to -30º C is essential to eradicate problems related to energy leaks for Cold Storage Companies. To construct the cold storage rooms best suited for storage and preservation of fresh fruits and vegetables.
There are studies that show that the speed of chemical and biochemical degradation reactions decreases when temperature drops. Microbial proliferation inhibited at low temperatures. Since they cannot develop below -10ºC, and microorganisms stop living below 3ºC. Produces the toxins responsible for poisoning. We share an easy-to-understand example of this process in this article.
Cold rooms represent the solution for the conservation of fresh and unprocessed products. In this guide you will find the necessary information to start its design, construction. And detect failures in the construction process of cold rooms.
What we Must Consider to Build a Cold Room?
A cold room is the closed space that maintains a certain temperature inside, generally with temperatures from 8º to -30º Celsius; This can be an agricultural product such as vegetables or fruits, meats, seafood, dairy products, among others.
Calculation Of Dimensions
First you must answer the question: What dimensions do I need? how many cavities? What volume of matter will conserve? With this you can start with the design based on the expected storage capacity and the type of product to preserve.
Determination Of the Required Insulation Thickness
What should be the temperature inside the cold room? The difference between the outside temperature and must consider the temperature inside. Depending on this differential will be the thickness required by the walls, floors, ceilings, or ceilings, including doors and valves.
Calculation Of Refrigeration Needs
According to the specifications indicated by an internal specialist of the production company or end customer, since the temperature at which the products must define inside. The suppliers of the construction system must achieve said temperature. In heat losses and gains (loads).
If you want to know a little more about these elements, you can see a broader description in our article main aspects to design and build a cold room .
The hermeticity in terms of building, refers to the absence of air leaks.
What Happens When It Does Not Achieve 100% Tightness?

Floors and puddles of water
When a cold room reaches temperatures close to 0º C or less and there are air leaks , the moisture in the air condenses, puddles form and later freezes, turning the room into a skating rink and a slip hazard for our personnel and every day the ice must break.
High Energy Consumption and Decreased Product Quality
Increase the energy consumption by the refrigeration system by the accumulation of ice on the evaporators. And by the passage of hot temperatures from the outside to the inside through thermal bridges. So, that monetary losses due to excess work become evident.
The formation of ice on the surface represents a risk for the packages , since they become humid and deformed, the photoelectric systems fail and, in the end, the product goes wrong due to a poorly built room.
Detects And Prevents Leaks Due to Thermal Bridges
Thermal bridges in industrial buildings, cold rooms, process plants are a recurring problem that sometimes goes unnoticed. Must take Care since it may be the same structures that make up the ship, such as doors, fixings, pijas, support structures for refrigeration equipment that cause a thermal bridge.
What Is a Thermal Bridge?
A thermal bridge is a punctual or linear area that is part of a building envelope . In this area, heat transmits more easily than in other areas due to a variation in thermal resistance. This is a place where it breaks the insulating surface.
This error generates the same problems mentioned with low tightness and others that damage the structure. When the cold rooms are below 0 degrees, the water molecules freeze, ice forms, expands in the middle of a sheet panel, opens holes, raises floors, and are very severe problems if we do not have prior care.
You can learn more about how to prevent the risks of lower hermeticity while constructing Precast Boundary wall. And thermal bridges in cold rooms in our article risks of thermal leaks. Due to poor hermeticity and thermal bridges in cold rooms.