Even though it may seem easy, keeping a home tidy is a challenging and time-consuming endeavour. If you do not wish your efforts to go down the drain, please stop believing the below-mentioned myths right now. A few cleaning myths have passed down through generations, while almost all result from DIY tricks popularised by social media.

Bleach Can Clean Everything

According to the best cleaning company Gold Coast, although bleach can remove tough stains and make whites whiter, it does not work on all surfaces. Bleach never cuts grease, so it can hardly help if you need flawless countertops, stovetops, etc. To get grime and dirt out in kitchens, opt for baking soda. Its gritty texture successfully loosens up the dirt particles.

Newspapers Provide Glass With a Shine

This cleaning myth has changed down the road. In the past, newspapers were able to provide streak-free shine. But, modern-day newspapers are thin and disintegrate within a short period. Wet newsprint does more harm than good. Your hands and glass frames turn messy. You will be better off with a microfiber cloth.

Hairspray Removes Ink Stains

This is another method that used to work, but not anymore. Earlier, hairsprays were full of alcohol and could easily cut through ink patches. However, hairsprays today have less alcohol or no alcohol because it dries the hair. They also tend to stiffen fabrics and leave residues. Attack ballpoint ink stains with rubbing alcohol instead.

Vinegar is an All-Round Cleaner

Just like bleach, vinegar should not be used for cleaning everything. It is an excellent limescale remover and grease cutter, so use it for cleaning hard water marks on windows and bathroom fixtures. But, vinegar is off-limits inside the kitchens. It is known to damage wooden and granite countertops. Still, many people use it for house cleaning in the Gold Coast as well as in other places.

Air Freshener Cleans the Air

The experts offering high-quality deep clean in the Gold Coast services said air fresheners do not clean the air. They just make your room smell good. They act as a perfume, covering up odours. After the scent fades, the obnoxious odour may return. A more effective and natural way to clean the air is to purchase air-purifying plants such as African violets or gardenias.

Polish Wood Frequently

Although wood may look good after a good polish, it can be damaging. Almost all polishes dull the wooden finishes and attract dirt. A few accumulate over time and darken the wood. Polish every six weeks to enhance protection against heat and UV rays. On other days, wipe the surfaces with a microfiber cloth. This is frequently seen in office cleaning services in the Gold Coast.

Cleaning myths tend to perpetuate themselves, specifically with platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. They would, unfortunately, never go away. People love the entire idea of believing or debunking myths. I am sure you have your own cleaning tips that you would pass along in exchange for others.