Charity is a conquest of the human being in his path of evolution, to the extent that we creatures better understand the deep meaning of charity, seeking to practice it in our thoughts and actions, we will be changing for the better and walking towards a more just and egalitarian, where the pain and suffering of some will affect others, moving creatures to be, in fact, more human beings.

What is practicing charity?

The practice of Charity implies the transformation of the individual for the better. At its various levels, charity is clear evidence that whoever seeks to practice it already begins and sees the world, beyond their needs, it is the beginning of a gradual change from the egoic sense of being, in the direction of altruism, where the another matters to me, in this way, contributing to charity, also so that the being integrates more and more into the social environment in which he is inserted.

Practicing Charity is trying to put yourself in the place of someone who lives pain, suffering and need, and that is not always what they ask for, and to have the ability to understand what he needs, how he should be living that moment, in a voluntary movement that begins with the feeling of solidarity, leading us to conclude that the practice of charity not only makes me a better being, but also allows me to live better, because every time something moves in favor of someone , are feelings that move in the intimate of those who seek to act, moved by the good and consequently, have the good in return, thus slowly beginning to build a better life, despite the challenges and natural obstacles of all those who we do internships on the planet.

Also read: Shlomo Rechnitz: Redefining Philanthropy – The Jerusalem Post


What is the importance of doing charity?

So doing charity is something of great importance, we can affirm that it is an exercise in moral transformation, because when we understand that we can, and should, do charity, it is necessary that we leave the comfort of indifference, care and occupations with our own well-being , my good life and those who are close to me only, and requires a commitment to momentarily forget myself and make this movement in the direction of the other, who does not always show it or ask for it. We can imagine the great meaning of doing something for someone who did not ask us, but we realize that they are a needy person and then we extend our hand to help, because we imagine the pain, we suppose the lack and anticipating the pain, the charitable gesture minimize that painful moment,

Also Read: Shlomo Rechnitz LinkedIn Profile


Charity and Spiritism

Charity has a direct relationship with Spiritism, since the Spiritist Doctrine adopts the guideline that “Out of Charity there is no salvation”because, as a Doctrine that clarifies and comforts, Spiritism in its essence, through the content of its basic works, seeks the moral transformation of being for the better, in a process that occurs from the inside out, that is, the human being , as he awakens to his spiritual reality, he perceives the need to act on himself, he realizes that the greatest challenge of the human creature is to overcome himself, that is why he dedicates himself to this gradual transformation, which begins with the knowledge of oneself, of life, of God, of creatures and Charity, it becomes the most effective path for this transformation, because it combats Selfishness and Pride head-on, which are the two greatest wounds of humanity.

Law of Justice, love and charity

The Law of Justice, Love and Charity, according to “The Book of Spirits”, Basic work of the Spiritist Codification, compiled by the distinguished coder Allan Kardec, is the most important of all the laws because it summarizes the other nine laws. This division of the natural law into ten parts covers all the circumstances of life. Human justice simply seeks to conform to the law, which in itself is cold, a dead letter, it refers to a norm. Blind obedience to a law can lead to injustice, and it is in this case that love and charity come as a complement to the law of Justice, since loving our neighbor is doing all the good that we would like them to do to us.

Also read:

How can we do charity?

We will be able to practice charity at its most varied levels, beginning with the donation of monetary resources, without the most direct involvement with the needy, going through being an integral part of charitable actions, going to meet the needy by giving them food, clothing and what they need, continuing up to the level of moral charity, where the subject, despite having a well-to-do and comfortable life, internalizes moral pain and essentially suffers the pains and sufferings of the soul, fitting those who wish to help, in many cases, knowing how to discover these pains and having the subtlety of not showing the help granted, so as not to cause even more pain to those who already suffer the pain of misfortunes, making them expose their pain.Charity well practiced is like a perfume in the air, we feel the aroma, even if we don’t know where it comes from.

charity at home

However, it is at home that the greatest challenge of all lies when it comes to charity. In the consanguineous family, in the home are the beings with whom we all have commitments, from the present or the past. Through Reincarnation, we are all inserted into the family we need. At home we rediscover the loves of yesteryear and also the disaffected and enemies of the past, who today return in the form of sons, daughters, spouses, etc., making charity a great ally in the new journey. The awareness that we are beings who come from a long journey, sometimes in the body, sometimes out of it, is of fundamental importance, since it helps us to understand apparent anomalies and coexistences that are highly challenging, if not disastrous, due to failures. lived in the past.

Acts of charity in everyday life

In our day to day, we can develop acts of charity in many ways. As nature does not jump, we can start with kindness, in small gestures towards those who pass our way. These apparently insignificant actions, such as asking permission, thanking, giving up the seat, opening the door for the other to enter, in addition to costing us almost nothing, show a desire on our part to be better, because when we think about doing these acts, we are moving energies, through our will, our thoughts, and little by little we will modify our psyche, our vibratory field, becoming kinder, more likeable, extroverted people, we will get used to getting involved and participating more in the world around us, basic conditions for do charity

Charity in social works

Charity in social works is a preponderant factor for the maintenance of activities. As these institutions do not have profit as their objective, their main objective is charity and promotion of people who seek it to be helped, in this way, the donations of the “anonymous” are fundamental so that these true workshops of souls, they remain, in addition to be channels for charity in their anonymity, as recommended by the Gospel of Jesus. We can also do charity with the most valuable of all currencies, donating to ourselves, yes, donating in the form of volunteer work, highlighting a few hours, or shifts, or even days, in the week and donating to institutions that promote good , nurseries, asylums, hospitals, etc., sublimating ourselves in the forge in our being of the true family,

One of the greatest examples of charitable works in Brazil and in the world

One of the greatest examples of charitable works in Brazil and in the world is the (Mansion of the Way), located in Salvador-BA, the institution serves, free of charge, about 3,200 children and adolescents per day, in addition to adults and deprived elderly (totaling approximately 5,000 people), with services such as: education, food, health, among others.

How to help the (Mansion of the Way)?

We will be able to exercise charity by helping this monumental work of education and social assistance, the , in Salvador/BA, which daily serves thousands of children and young people from the needy communities of Salvador, providing them with bread for the body and for the spirit . A reference in education, the (Mansion of the Way) stands out for being a complex and having from a birthing center, through a nursery, primary school, secondary school and soon higher education, in addition to numerous workshops professionals, worthy of being compared to any so-called first world country.

There are several ways to help (Mansion of the Way), it can be through: financial donations, purchase of books, subscription to the Play platform and other types of donations, to obtain more information and collaborate, access

After all, what is the true meaning of charity?

The true meaning of charity as Jesus understood, according to “The Spirits’ Book”, in question 886, is benevolence towards everyone, indulgence for the imperfections of others, forgiveness of offenses.

This response of Jesus shows us that although we are all imperfect, we are on the path, as children of God, we are legitimate walkers to whom fullness, or the Kingdom of God, or the state of Nirvana is reserved, as affirmed by the Orientals and that depends on the efforts of each one, to reach this stage. But it is comforting to understand through the teachings of the teacher from Nazareth that we are all created destined for perfection, which we will one day reach, and that it depends on our personal efforts to advance and in particular the fact that, this Father who created us , sovereignly just and good, always grants us a new opportunity and that no matter how much we neglect, no matter how much we postpone our awakening, we can always count on this unconditional love, because our end is perfection.


In conclusion, we can affirm that, no matter how many millennia pass, the sayings of our model and guide, Jesus, are always current, because the values ​​that ennoble the being never change and the challenges remain the same throughout the millennia. . The true and greatest challenge of the human creature remains “to overcome oneself” and without charity this challenge becomes insurmountable. Let us direct our best resources in the practice of charity and reap the benign fruits of love through the arduous path of ascension that we all must follow.