Turquoise is an opaque bluish-green colored crystal that comprises hydrated copper and aluminum attributes and is a type of silica-rich glass. The crystal has been treasured as a gemstone for thousands of years and used to create iridescent ornamental objects. The crystal rates are between 5 to 6 on the Mohs hardness scale. In astrology, several benefits of the crystal have been suggested, as the crystal is assigned for December-born persons as their birthstone. In addition, Turquoise also helps to activate the throat chakra, enhancing communication skills and solving throat-related issues.
Jasmine Eva, working as a content writer at Rananjay Exports for five years, has Expertise and knowledge in the field of gemstones. Her passion and love are seen in the blog pieces she writes, which are information well researched and written. Moreover, every piece she writes is authentic and well checked with the correct references. She is devoted to learning about the new Charoite gemstone's history, metaphysical, and physical properties, which she later serves in the most cherished blogs. So enjoy her writings and the gemstones, of course!