Because most companion and family dogs aren’t bred, Brucellosis doesn’t normally come up in discussions. However, if you intend to breed your dog, or you want to be a breeder, you should be well informed of this nasty disease, which you, as a human, can also contract.

Performing Brucellosis test for dogs is one of the most important things you can do to protect your dogs from the disease. This specific testing can help you avoid long and expensive treatment (that may still fail in the end). Sadly, there is no treatment that is completely effective at eliminating the bacteria that causes the disease.

So what is Brucellosis and what are the clinical signs of this disease? Let’s examine it below.

What Is Canine Brucellosis?
Canine brucellosis is a disease caused by Brucella Canis bacteria. It is highly contagious among dogs and can result in infertility, spontaneous abortions, and stillbirths. It’s classified as a “zoonotic” disease, which means it can spread from animals to humans.

In dogs, Brucellosis spread frequently as a result of breeding and contact with vaginal discharges, sperm, birthing fluids, urine, and blood of an infected dog. Less common sources include milk, saliva, and excrement.

In humans, Brucellosis can be transmitted by coming into contact with an infected dog in birthing. You can also get it through her infected puppies, secretions, and vaginal discharge.

What Are the Symptoms?
In female dogs, the most common symptoms are aborted pregnancies, stillbirth, and the inability to become pregnant. In males, the main symptom is the inability to have puppies. Both male and female dogs may have swollen lymph glands, eye disease, and infections of the spine.

However, most infected dogs appear normal and will have no other symptoms than infertility itself. Female dogs can also deliver infected but healthy-appearing puppies.

Some of the observable signs your dog might have the disease are:

● always tired
● difficulty in walking
● appear to have back pain
● has vaginal discharge
● has swollen testicles
● inflammation of the skin around the scrotum
● In newborn puppies, they are weak and sickly

Brucellosis Test for Breeding
Because it’s highly contagious and can be transmitted through contact with infected dogs, if you’re breeding kennels, you should have Brucellosis screening tests done first.

Aside from testing your dog, demand that the owner of your dog’s mate provide you with the results of a Brucellosis test as well. Dogs that are used for breeding should be tested every six months.

It’s difficult to test for brucellosis. It’s quite common for dogs infected with Brucella Canis to have a false negative result.

If your dog is suspected of having Brucellosis and tested negative or if there’s a possibility of false positives, your veterinarian may validate the initial test with the following diagnostic tests:

● X-rays of the spine to examine if there are any abnormalities that are compatible with brucellosis.
● Blood or tissue cell examination (cytology) to detect the presence of infection and bacteria in the dog.
● Complete blood count to rule out any abnormalities in the blood.
● Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests.

If the second diagnostic test still does not agree with the first test, a third test should be done eight weeks after the last test to rule in or out Brucellosis.

If your dog is diagnosed with Brucellosis with at least two positive results in tests, it should not be rehomed anymore because the disease is zoonotic.

Brucellosis Test for Dogs
If you’re a breeder, it’s important to have a Brucellosis test for dogs handy at all times so you can immediately isolate the dog and take other appropriate actions.

Visit MR Diagnostic Services for tests you can do at home to protect your dogs. MR Diagnostic is your one-stop-shop for all your dog breeding needs. Check them out.

For more information about Canine Sperm Analysis and Dog Ovulation Detector Please visit: MR Diagnostic Services.