The advent of winter brings along the much-awaited beard trends and how can we forget the #noshavenovember, well be it long or short, beards go beyond being just fashion statements to actually coming across as an essential part of a man’s personality in many ways (and we know you can relate!). Who doesn’t want a cool and suave beard? But the most common trouble for men reportedly is to maintain a thick volume and healthy length of the beard. The concerns of rash, dandruff, greasiness, dullness, and patchiness are not uncommon when it comes to beard grooming for men. Most of these concerns perhaps come in way of your beard goals and lead to stagnation of your grooming progress.

A widely talked of and scientifically discussed solution to promote beard hair lies in the nutrition of biotin. The populous term essentially is a form of vitamin i.e. Vitamin B7 which encourages the body in the easy breakdown of protein and fats and increases metabolism.  The scientific studies indicate that having a deficiency of biotin relates to thinning and falling of facial hair. How does biotin help in the growth of beard in particular you ask?

Well, the enzyme provides a boost to keratin protein, the structural elements of your body hair (which by default includes facial hair as well). This helps us answer a key question…is biotin helpful in beard growth? The answer is mostly a yes. But this leads us to another dilemma, how biotin should you take? Exactly how much biotin for beard growth is necessary?

A detailed study done by the Mayo Clinic indicates that a range of 30- 100 micrograms (mcg) is considered as the minimum required intake of biotin. On a daily basis, the intake for boosting beard growth with the help of Biotin is estimated to be 10,000 mcg- 50,000 mcg (that is 10 milligrams-50 milligrams-mg). Since the enzyme is water-soluble, in the instance of any excess intake will be flushed out from your body by way of urination. So, if you’re worried about overconsumption, the vitamin is most likely not going to work adversely.

Biotin is present inherently in foods rich in vitamin B7 such as eggs yolks, cauliflower, raspberries, carrots, avocado, yeast, salmon,  pork, nuts, sweet potato, banana, cheese, mushrooms, and seeds, so you can easily incorporate the nutrition in your daily diet to enhance your levels of biotin. But in case you seem to suffer from a major deficiency of biotin, taking the help of medical supplements either orally through tablets or by way of external application such as beard balms, sprays, oils, etc can aid you in growth concerns. However, it’s also crucial to consult your doctor before self-medicating or utilizing such supplements if there pre-exists any medical condition which may impact your overall health.

Moreover, while the quality of beard and the rate of growth for each individual may be characteristically different due to genetic underpinnings, biotin by and large can help you put your beard nourish in an improved fashion depending upon how consistent and disciplined you are with your biotin-oriented beard grooming. Nevertheless, one should never stop aiming for awesome beard goals!