Neurological disorders are one of the most common and frightening experiences that any individual experiences. On the occasion where there is a dysfunction in the nervous system and the brain of an individual, it leads to a neurological disorder. A neurological disorder can further present several symptoms like paralysis, seizure, pain, weakness, confusion and coordination.
If any of your relatives or family members is suffering from a neurological disorder, you must consult the best neuro hospital in India. Here is the list of the most popular neurological treatments that are used according to specific treatment plans for individuals.
⦁ Brain mapping
In this course of action or a treatment plan, it allows the doctor in order to remove a significant portion of the brain tumor as they possibly can while simultaneously reducing a significant part of the patient’s brain.
The significant part of the brain helps in controlling movement, speech and the sense of the individual. The doctor continues with the treatment plan without further creating any permanent neurological damage for the patient.
⦁ Cyberknife
Cyberknife is an advanced form of radiosurgery. It is a painless procedure and also non-invasive in nature. It functions by focusing a large dose of targeted radiation which is directly aimed at destroying or removing tumour cells inside the human brain with the help of a robotic arm. With the help of the flexibility of the robotic arm, it allows the doctor to reach the areas of the spine and the spinal cord that cannot be otherwise reached.
⦁ Gamma knife
A Gamma knife is a machine that helps in delivering a single dose of focused radiation that is particularly intended to target a specific area of concern without providing much damage to the surrounding tissue. This is also a non-invasive procedure.
⦁ Deep brain stimulation
Deep brain stimulation is a kind of advanced surgery. It was created in order to help with Parkinson’s disease and has ever since been used in order to help treat people suffering from dystonia and severe depression.
⦁ Lumbar puncture
A lumbar puncture procedure is used to test the spinal fluid of patients. A Neurologist requests a lumbar procedure if he feels the requirement or finds the necessary symptoms that are linked to the nervous system that can only be diagnosed by obtaining your spinal fluid.
Lumbar puncture is a very critical procedure, and you must always visit the best neuro hospital in India to get the procedure done.
To Sum It Up
The human brain is one of the most Sophisticated and significant parts of the human body. On occasions where there is a dysfunction or abnormality in the brain and the nervous system of the body, it results in neutral logical disorders.
There are several different neurological disorders; for each disorder, there are specific treatment plants. If your relative or family member is suffering from a new logical disorder, consult the best neuro hospital in India And draft a treatment plan for the individual.
This might be a very beneficial course of action as choosing a treatment plan that is specific to your diagnosis will help in reaching desired results.