If you are wondering how to get a perky butt, you are exactly at the right place. This article will help you finding some solutions to this query. Who does not want a perky and bigger butt? It is part and parcel of feminine aesthetics. So let us look at some things that you can do to get a perkier butt.

Balance your macros:

For bigger and perkier buttocks, you have to focus on your diet. And in your diet, specifically your macronutrients- fat, carbohydrate and protein. You have to be particularly focused on food containing a higher content of Omega-3. Simultaneously you have to cut down on things with higher Omega-6 content.

So, while you should start avoiding vegetable oil such as soyabean oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, etc, your intake of hemp seeds, coconut oil and avocado should be increased. The problem with Omega-6 is that it upsets our fatty acid ratio, and can lead to inflammation. It can also lead to poor circulation. Good circulation ensures that your glutes receive the right amount of nutrients and oxygen.

Posture adjustment:

Typically when we want bigger butts, glutes and legs, our focus on our workout regime and macros. But on top of good diet and right exercising, one also has to focus on posture- an aspect which many of us forget or are unaware of. Pitching way too forward would put pressure on your lower back muscles and not on your glutes. Your posture should be such that the area which receives the max pressure are the glutes.

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