Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your car running correctly. Our auto repair service in Amelia can keep your vehicle ready to handle any weather and road conditions you may encounter.


Why Vehicles Need to be Maintained

Maintaining your car is essential for safety and longevity. If your car isn’t properly maintained, it can become a safety hazard. Faulty brakes, worn-out tires, and broken headlights can all lead to accidents. A well-maintained vehicle will be efficient and last longer. 

How Often Should Your Vehicles have Maintenance Procedures Performed?

Maintaining your vehicle according to the maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual will help keep your driving trouble-free and extend the car’s life. The owner’s manual can explain maintenance procedures that need performing. A qualified car mechanic can also assist you in determining what maintenance procedures your car needs and how often they should be performed.

What Maintenance Procedures are Recommended by Manufacturers?

The most common maintenance recommendations by car manufacturers include:

  • Oil Change
  • Tire Rotation
  • Brake Inspection
  • Engine Coolant Flush
  • Transmission Fluid Change
  • Filter replacements
  • Wiper Blade Replacement

Headlight and Tail Light Replacement

How Long Do Bulbs Typically Last?

If one of your headlights has burned out, it needs replacing as soon as possible. Both headlights need to be working to get the full safety benefit. Tail lights also need to be replaced if they are not properly working. Tail lights and brake lights signal to others that you are turning, stopping, slowing down, or backing up. How often you need to replace your headlight and tail light bulbs will depend on how often you drive and the type of bulbs you have. Condensation,  moisture, and usage are the most significant factors that lead to bulb burn-outs. Typically, headlights and tail lights can last 500 to 1,000 hours, but some last longer. Use an auto repair shop in Amelia, Ohio, for all your maintenance needs. 

Wiper Blade Replacement 

How Long Do Wiper Blades Generally Last?

Windshield wiper blades generally last six months to a year. It is essential to replace your wiper blades as soon as they show signs of wear. 

What are Some Symptoms that You Need for New Wiper Blades?

Here are a few symptoms that tell you it’s time to replace your windshield wiper blades.  

  • The rubber is cracked or coming apart
  • They leave streaks on the windshield
  • They don’t adequately clear rain or ice off the windshield
  • They make squeaking noises 
  • The windshield wiper frame is damaged

Make sure to speak with a professional car mechanic to determine what auto repair services your car needs. Overbeck Auto Services is a trusted auto repair shop in Amelia. We are dedicated to your satisfaction and will be pleased to answer any questions.