Things to know about Gender Affirmation Surgery
Gender Affirmation Surgery

The pain and agony of living as a different gender than what you believe yourself to be is unfathomable for someone looking from the outside. However, due to social pressure, many men and women sacrifice living someone else’s life because they believe they have no other choice. Not anymore, though! 

With the option of gender affirmation surgery available, you will be doing yourself an injustice if you refrain from contemplating this life-altering procedure. The distress of not living as your self-identified gender, technically known as gender dysphoria, is inexplicably painstaking. But if you decide to undergo transgender surgery in Fort Lauderdale, you would be able to live the way you want, and more importantly, in a body, you could relate to.

Who can Benefit from Gender Affirmation Surgery?

There are two types of people who can undergo gender affirmation surgery:

  • People who have a nonbinary gender
  • People with gender dysphoria

Nonbinary Gender: A person who does not identify themselves as either male or female. 

Gender Dysphoria: A person born with a gender that does not match their self-identified gender.

Different Types of Transgender Surgeries Available

A gender affirmation surgery gives a transgender person an Identity they always wanted. Depending on the requirements of the person undergoing surgery, it can be performed on the following body sections:

  • Facial Surgery: Facial surgery can be performed to give the face a more manly or feminine look. 
  • Top Surgery A.K.A. Chest/Breast Surgery: It involves reducing or enhancing the chest/breast tissue to meet gender requirements.
  • Bottom Surgery A.K.A. Genital Surgery: The male or female genitalia can be reconstructed to match the identified or chosen gender.

Side Effects of Gender Affirmation Surgery

Even though gender affirmation surgery is found to be safe in most cases, there are certain side effects that might be experienced during or after the procedure:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Anesthesia side effects such as dizziness and confusion

Alternatives to Gender Affirmation Surgery

Gender affirmation surgery is not the only option in front of people suffering from gender dysphoria. Everyone has different requirements and expectations. If you are someone who does not want to go under the knife, you can choose options such as hormonal therapy, voice therapy, and even puberty blockers. Although these options do not lead to an extensive transformation, they can help you feel ‘more’ like the gender you want to be. 

Changing one’s name or using a gender pronoun you identify with can have a mind-altering experience. However, it is impossible to create the look and feel of a gender affirmation surgery. So, if you are someone who wants to experience a complete transformation, there is no point in moving half-heartedly towards your preferred gender. Take the plunge and visit a clinic that offers transgender surgery in Fort Lauderdale.


A transgender person’s prospects of requiring mental health treatment decreased by 8% after undergoing gender affirmation surgery. Although there are certain side effects associated with the treatment, their likelihood decreases if experts perform the procedure. So, in case you are experiencing doubts or having second thoughts about gender affirmation surgery, please stop wasting time and contact experts at Take Shape Plastic Surgery for transgender surgery in Fort Lauderdale.