The show begins when Mariam being instructed to throw her knife at the predetermined number of the gambling den. Ali assists her to win the game using his wizardry. Mariam is amazed that she didn’t realize she was gifted inside her. The knife is thrown one at a time by selecting the numbers. Ali ensures that she wins every time thanks to his amazing magic. Mariam is delighted and becomes excited. The knife is thrown while keeping her eyes shut. Then Simsim informs the thieves to relay the information to the Parbaaz citizens that they need to track down the wizard who wears the Talisman locket. The magician is likely to be caught in the near future. Mariam throws a knife again without even seeing the den, and is successful due to the magic. Mariam irritates those who say that this is all a scam and they won’t let players lose as they receive even more money out of them. People believe Mariam’s claims and begin to beat the organizers. Mariam escapes with Poya. Someone attempts to attack Mariam but Ali Baba Dastaan E Kabul helps them out with magic. Poya is wondering how it could have happened. take place?

The head Ibtali gives an instruction to the Parbaaz community that rations supply will stop to the ordinary people, and that is the Sultan’s directive. People start expressing their displeasure at this, saying that they cannot be able to survive if they be starving. They start to protest against Saddam however Ibtali states that Sultan Saddam must follow the orders of the forty thieves. The thieves only made him to issue this type of law. Many ask him why thieves are interested in this? Ibtali states that the plan is not going to be successful if they all discover a particular type of lock for thieves.

He is the one to show everyone the Talisman locket’s design. Ali realizes that he’s wearing the same lock. He conceals it beneath his clothing before anyone notices the locket. Simsim smiles, saying that when the entire Kabul people search for Ali with a full stomach, then it will be impossible for him to escape for a longer period of time. There won’t be a shelter to hide in either. Ibtali advises Ali that he must begin to find the person wearing the locket or the innocent people could die. Ali is able to decipher how he came across the Talisman and believes it was near to his inside the cave. He realizes Mustafa struggled to get this gem and wonders if it is possible to apply magic without the locket. He removes it, and puts it back on it does not work. Dadi declares that Ali isn’t sure the reason Simsim is looking for the Talisman. Simsim says to Iblis that if she ever gets the gem, she’ll take out Ali.

People steal rations from each others in Parbaaz because of lack of food. Zarifa offers the person their own food, and she inquires Ali what they can do to come up with a solution to this issue. Zorawar gathers the crowd and delivers a an address on unity and how they need to unite in order to resolve the issue. The Royal Street and Mamuli Gully people come togethe  r and organize rations. Zorawar’s gangs take the leftover food from Mamuli Gully people , without any knowledge. The people panic when they realize that there’s nothing left to eat. Ali believes that Zorawar was responsible absolutely.

Precap: Zorawar claims they are stocked with food and that they can easily go through several days with it. Ali is aware of this and declares that he will not let him down.