Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the need to maintain good health often takes a backseat. It’s no secret that good health is key to happiness and a sane mind. Luckily, there are several complementary practices you can rely on to improve your health and well-being. One of them is acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice that has been practiced in Asian countries for thousands of years.
Want to know more about this traditional Chinese practice? Keep reading to learn more about acupuncture and its rewarding benefits.
All About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a safe and non-invasive healing practice of traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin, fine needles into certain areas of the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, there is an invisible life force energy, known as qi, that flows throughout the body. When there is a block in the flow of qi, it triggers health problems. Trained and experienced acupuncturists use paper-thin, sterile acupuncture needles to unblock the energy flow, which helps heal your body and mind.
Luckily, nowadays, access to acupuncture treatment has become easier than ever before. Several health & wellness clinics offer Acupuncture treatment for a wide range of health conditions, including endometriosis, Asthama, diabetes, headaches, and chronic pain in Brooklyn.
Does Acupuncture Cause Pain?
It’s a common misconception that needles used in acupuncture cause pain and are similar to those that are used for vaccination and taking blood samples. However, this is not the case. Needles used in acupuncture are thin, fine, and inserted between tissues, which causes less pain. Few patients feel a tingling sensation after the treatment, which usually indicates that treatments are working.
What Actually Happens During an Acupuncture Session?
Acupuncture is based on the principle that our body has invisible energy, known as “qi” that travels across the body through pathways known as meridians. Any blockage in the energy flow can result in a wide range of ailments. Professional acupuncturists use thin, sterile needles as thin as human hair at various depths. Many acupuncturists combine acupuncture with prenatal massage, massage therapy, and chiropractic care in Brooklyn to improve a particular condition in the most effective way.
Before providing the treatment, the acupuncturist briefly discusses your history and symptoms with you. This helps them help them select specific points to insert needles. After discussing your condition, you are required to lie down on a table.
Acupuncturists insert needles on specific points on your body, known as meridians, which help heal your body and mind. The treatment may last for 20 to 30 minutes, depending on your health conditions.
Top Benefits of Getting Acupuncture Treatment
Improve Mental Clarity
Brain fog is one of the symptoms caused by stress that hampers an individual’s mental clarity and ability to focus and think precisely. Regular sessions of acupuncture help improve focus, mental clarity, and other problems associated with brain fog.
Better Eye Health
Eye strain is one of the common problems in today’s modern lifestyle due to a considerable amount of time spent in front of smartphones and computer screens. Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to maintain your eyes’ health. It greatly helps in dealing with eye problems such as night blindness.
Lower Stress Levels
Stress is perhaps one of the primary reasons why people seek acupuncture treatment. Restoring energy flow and stimulating the nervous system are critical in lowering stress levels. The needles used in acupuncture stimulate the nervous systems and release feel-good hormones, inducing a feeling of happiness and self-love.
Lower Blood Pressure
In today’s highly stressful environment, people of all ages are becoming vulnerable to high blood pressure. If it’s not treated on time, it increases the risk of heart stroke, kidney failure, and other major problems. Acupuncture treatment, when combined with other healing practices, is effective for treating a range of health ailments such as endometriosis Brooklyn. Regular sessions of acupuncture help improve blood circulation and heart function. It also plays an important role in controlling blood pressure.
Improve Sleep Quality
When the body’s energy flow is restored and the nervous system is stimulated, people tend to sleep well at night. Acupuncture has been proven effective in helping people struggling with insomnia.