According to Kaartik Gor, a Vedic astrologer with a horoscope, the word “Vedic” is derived from the Vedas, which are considered to be hallowed wisdom. It is a sizable collection of religious writings that date back to ancient India. Vedic astrology has its roots in these sacred writings, known as the Vedas, and is also referred to as Jyotish, which means “light” in Sanskrit. The primary texts are thought to have been composed by Bhrigu, a sage regarded as the founder of Vedic astrology, during the Vedic period.
According to Trivedi, “Vedic astrology describes planetary motions and location with relation to time and space, as well as its impact on people and all other living things on the planet Earth.” Additionally, he continues, Vedic astrology has a division known as Muhurat astrology that you may use to figure out the most fortunate times to perform something (like a significant life event, for example) to have the best outcomes.
The Beginning of Vedic Astrology:
Vedic astrology is founded on the idea that the stars and planets have a significant impact on our life. Vedic astrology has its roots in the Vedas, an ancient body of knowledge from India. Hindu scriptures hold that the purpose of life is to advance one’s spirituality. This development is helped in part by the idea of karma, which holds that every thought and deed has an equal and opposite reaction. Astrology is a way to comprehend one’s karma by examining these placements, according to the Vedas, which claim that a person’s karma is directly tied to the location of the planets and stars.
Vedic astrology, which was once known as Jyotish, or “the study of light,” is sometimes referred to as the “eye of the Vedas” since it is intended to offer direction to people who are feeling lost or bewildered in their life path. Astrology, sometimes known as the “science of fate,” is used to comprehend all facets of life, including the likelihood that a specific endeavor—such as marriage, relocating to a new home, or starting a business—will be successful in the future. It was also utilized in the past to forecast the results of wartime battles or specific political choices. Because of this, kings frequently hired astrologers to provide them with more insight into how they should administer their countries.
The Impact of Planets on Our Lives:
Everyone and everything are governed by time, as stated in the Vedas. Individuals are forced to pass through several stages of existence under its influence before dying and being propelled into the next life, the state of which is decided by their total amount of karma. Modern physics holds that time and space are woven together to form the space-time fabric that supports our existence. Planets and other large objects have an impact on this fabric, which affects everything nearby.
“What we refer to as the planets are spots of light in a vast power source that are deeply linked by fine lines of force that form a single organism, the solar system as a whole. Although the planets only appear as dim points of light in the distance, their energy fields are still present on Earth and are largely to blame for the development of both the physical and mental structures that make up our bodies and brains. Simply put, the planets act as referees, keeping the peace as life is played out on the field of time.
The Zodiac’s Twelve Signs
All of the planets are orbiting along the same plane, called the equator, even though the solar system is in three dimensions. This indicates that all planets pass through the same star clusters, commonly referred to as constellations, during their route of motion. Twelve distinct constellations, or “signs,” are used in astrology to split the 360° orbit around the ecliptic plane into twelve parts of 30° each. The zodiac is the name given to these twelve signs taken as a whole.
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Each sign has a special symbol and collection of traits that give it a distinct personality. Consider the signs as various environments that the planets go through. Additionally, a specific planet owns each sign. This indicates that the planet is in its natural environment or home as it travels through that sign.
Ruling Planet: Mars.
Symbol: The Ram.
Ruling Planet: Venus
Symbol: The Bull.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Symbol: The Twins
Ruling Planet: The Moon
Symbol: The Crab
Ruling Planet: The Sun
Symbol: The Lion
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Symbol: The Virgin (Unmarried girl)
Ruling Planet: Venus
Symbol: The Scales
Ruling Planet: Mars
Symbol: The Scorpion
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Symbol: The Archer
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Symbol: The Crocodile
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Symbol: The Water Bearer
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Symbol: The Fishes
Vedic astrology is fundamentally a spiritual science that transcends its technical parts. As such, it calls for a specific level of perception that is typically only available in people who uphold particular norms of spiritual practice. An astrologer must uphold a high quality of spiritual discipline to read horoscopes and subsequently offer guidance on how to best address life’s challenges from a spiritual perspective.
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