Are You having a hard time sleeping? There are many solutions to this problem. Essential oils can help you get a good night’s sleep, but there are also a few things you need to avoid. Blue light from screens will delay your sleep and interfere with your ability to fall asleep. One way to prevent this is to use a sleep mask, like the Flents Sleep Mask. This mask helps block out the blue light from your screen so that you can sleep comfortably.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy works by affecting the limbic system of the brain, which controls memory and emotion. Using aromatherapy to induce sleep can help the brain become conditioned to certain smells. However, essential oils are not without side effects. Some may experience skin irritation, burning sensations, or even a rash. Before using essential oils for sleeping, you should consult a doctor to ensure that you don’t have any medical conditions that need medical attention.

There are a number of essential oils that can be used to help you relax before bedtime. Diffusing them on pulse points, wrists, and back of the neck is a simple way to use them. However, you should dilute them properly. This way, you won’t get a strong odor. However, you can apply the oils on your own to get a soothing scent and better sleep. You can also diffuse them on your bed linens to make your bedroom more comfortable.

Some essentials oils that affect your sleep

  • Lavender essential oil is very popular for sleeping. It contains deeply relaxing compounds that have been shown to improve sleep quality and relieve anxiety. Furthermore, this essential oil is gentle enough to be used directly on the skin and is ideal for applying to the wrists, neck, and chest area. Its soothing scent will also relax you and help you fall asleep. When combined with other essential oils, lavender can improve your sleeping habits and even reduce symptoms of insomnia. Whether you’re looking for a calming aroma or a calming effect, you’ll find essential oils for sleeping well that are effective for promoting sleep. 
  • The citrus essential oil has a stimulating effect, but the aroma of bergamot can help you fall asleep peacefully. 
  • Moreover, bergamot oil is calming and can slow down your heart rate and lower your blood pressure. 
  • Clary sage essential oil reduces cortisol levels, a hormone that negatively impacts your circadian rhythm and can cause you to wake up restlessly at night.

Avoiding Prolonged Napping

The best way to prevent daytime sleepiness is to avoid napping. Even if your symptoms don’t worsen, try to avoid prolonged naps to help restore energy. However, prolonged rest can exacerbate the situation. So, try to limit your naps to ten to thirty minutes. But, remember to get up every morning at the same time. The same goes for afternoon naps. In order to prevent daytime sleepiness, try to maintain a regular bedtime schedule.

Avoiding Noise

Many people find it difficult to fall asleep, especially when they’re surrounded by noise. Even the most considerate people turn off the television when you ask them to, and the same goes for neighbors with loud parties. But noise can also come from houses with wooden floorboards and people moving around above your bedroom. 

So what can you do to avoid noise while you sleep? Here are some tips:

  • Avoiding noise at night will not only help you get a better night’s sleep, it will also reduce your overall reaction to the noise. Noise can startle you out of light or REM sleep and interfere with your sleep. It can also wake you up abruptly due to sudden sound, frequency change, or other factors. These factors should be considered before choosing a noise reduction strategy.
  • Try rearranging the furniture in your room to minimize noise. If the noise is too loud, you can try to move the bed to a different area. Some apartment complexes have noise restrictions. If you have noisy neighbors, you can also try talking to them and letting them know about the noise issues. If they refuse to fix the noise problem, you can try to convince them of the need for sleep. And remember that noises don’t occur every night!
  • Soundproofing rooms. A thick wall can reduce the amount of noise in a room. You can also use padded furniture to create a barrier between your bed and noisy rooms. Using automatic door openers can also help you sleep. And lastly, don’t let your roommates annoy you with their loud music. Using earplugs won’t help, either. Avoid sleeping in the morning or in a room where you can’t turn your electronic devices off.

Avoiding light distractions

While we all know that it is difficult to sleep at night, we can help our body by minimizing light distractions. Wear sunglasses or avoid using light-emitting devices before bed. The next step is to reduce ambient light by turning off electronics. Keep the room as quiet as possible by turning off lights and avoiding shift changes. If you are an early bird, aim to limit shift changes. Moreover, avoid exposing your body to bright light by wearing eye masks or sunglasses.

Apart from all these factors that would decide the kind of sleep that you would receive even temperature would also factor in the quality of your sleep as proper temperature controls the sleep durations and lets you sleep in peace

Bedroom Changes That Would Enhance Your Sleep

  • Bedrooms aren’t just for sleeping; they should be comfortable and relaxing, allowing you to unwind and sleep soundly. Incorporating calming decor, such as scenic paintings of a natural setting, significant photos, or historical memorabilia, can add a peaceful atmosphere. Noise reduction is also key to a good night’s sleep. Electronics and gadgets with loud noise can keep you awake at night. Disconnect from electronics by putting them on silent mode or placing them far away from your bed. White noise can also be added through a fan or air purifier.
  • Your bedside table should contain your necessities. This may include a body cream or lip balm, a charger for your cell phone, a glass of water, and a noise machine. These sensory experiences can influence your mood and make you feel peaceful. Make the reading space a place of relaxation and peace. There are many more ideas you can incorporate into your bedroom. Don’t overlook the importance of lighting.
  • Choose a focal point. This will draw the eye and create interest in the room. A bed is a great focal point, but make sure the surrounding areas aren’t overly cluttered. Bed linen is important, too, and should be fresh and clean. Choose complementary mood lighting for a harmonious room. You’ll also want to think about the colors in your bedroom. You’ll feel more comfortable in your room when the bedroom is decorated with soothing colors.
  • Apart from all these factors even a proper bed size with a comfortable mattress would give you a comfortable sleep but you must choose them with caution as different users might have different demand for both bed and mattress, Like the best bed size for plus size couples is usually the ones which accompanies a Queen or King mattresses.


Apart from all these you must understand that all these issues together factor in to give you a comfortable sleep.Through the absence of one or two issue might still give you the sleep of your desire but a combination of all these factors together would give you the perfect sleep you desire.Therefore if you have installed all these factors it is good for you or you could still install them one after another to get a comfortable sleep you desire.