Are you looking for an upgrade in your appearance and confidence with the help of versatile dermal fillers? 

You don’t have to be a Kardashian to get fuller lips or flawless skin; injectable dermal fillers are a cost-effective cosmetic solution that helps bring your beauty dreams true. 

So, if you are clueless about under-eye filler or lip filler treatments, look no further; we present this comprehensive guide containing everything you need to know about injectable cosmetic dermal fillers.

Injectable Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are gel-based substances injected right under the skin to restore volume, soften deep-set lines and creases, and lighten the under shadows enhancing facial contours. Getting dermal fillers helps your skin appear plump and supple.

Over 1 million men and women opt for cosmetic injectable fillers annually, making it the most cost-effective way to improve your appearance without surgery.

How Do Injectable Dermal Fillers Work?

Dermal fillers, or wrinkle fillers, are a versatile cosmetic tool that does much more than smooth wrinkles. Some common reasons why dermal fillers are so popular include:

  • Smoothen deep-set lines around the mouth and the nose
  • Restore volume to droopy cheeks and temples
  • Minimise vertical lip lines
  • Makes skin plump and supple
  • Eliminate chin crease
  • Enhance facial features and contours

Types Of Injectable Dermal Fillers

Fillers are usually categorised based on the substance they are made from, making it essential to check whether the filler of your choice is FDA-approved with the help of a licensed physician or certified cosmetic surgeon.

  • Hyaluronic Acid

Our skin produces hyaluronic acid naturally that keeps our skin plump and hydrated. Getting hyaluronic injectable fillers are infused with anesthetic lidocaine that helps minimise discomfort during and post-treatment. 

HA dermal fillers can last up to 9 months before getting absorbed by the body completely. 

  • Calcium Hydroxylapatite

Calcium Hydroxylapatite is a naturally occurring substance found in our bones. CaHA filler uses macroscopic calcium particles suspended in a gel-like mixture. Calcium Hydroxylapatite is thicker in consistency than hyaluronic acid filler helping its results to last longer for 12 months.

CaHA filler has stimulated and boosted collagen production, making it ideal for deep-set wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Poly-L-lactic

Poly-L-lactic acid is compatible with our body, meaning it is a biodegradable synthetic substance safe to use in our bodies. Products containing Poly-L-lactic acid are collagen boosters since they target smoothening of fine lines through skin rebuilding and collagen regeneration.

Poly-L-lactic acid has been used in medical devices for decades. Since its mechanism entails boosting the production of skin’s natural collagen, the filler gel vanishes in a couple of days, with its results lasting over two years.

  • Polymethylmethacrylate

PMMA is a synthetic biodegradable substance that has found its place in traditional medicine for the better part of the last century. PMMA is a tiny macroscopic ball remaining right beneath the skin, offering structural support to the area it is applied to.

PMMA fillers boost natural collagen production under the skin that makes it plump with a youthful glow.

  • Autologous Fat Injection

The autologous fat injection uses your body’s fat as a filler making it the only injectable filler treatment requiring surgery leading to a downtime or recovery period of at least two weeks.

Autologous, meaning from the same person, entails harvesting your fat from a different area such as the buttocks or things and performing micro liposuction surgery in the targeted area.

The fat is injected in the area of your choice like cheeks, temples, under-eye, or other sites to boost its volume. Since the fat injections require surgery, they must be performed by an experienced board-certified cosmetic surgeon.

Choosing The Right Cosmetic Treatment

With the garden variety of lip fillers in the market, it is pivotal that you discuss your options with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. Bella Voi offers state-of-the-art dermal fillers in Baton Rouge. She has a team of highly experienced top cosmetic surgeons that can guide you in choosing the suitable cosmetic injectable dermal fillers for you.

Due to the varying consistency of cosmetic fillers, their function and application vary, which is why it is crucial to choose a suitable cosmetic filler for your skin problem.

Dermal filler injections are mostly minimally invasive non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can be completed in one office visit. Your cosmetic surgeon will start by evaluating your skin’s needs and move on to discussing your goals and expectations.

Once you have selected the best cosmetic treatment by working closely with your surgeon, they will begin the injection process by adding an anesthetic to the chosen area of treatment. It is vital to disclose your allergies to your surgeon before surgery to avoid complications due to anaesthesia.

After your doctor has successfully injected the dermal filler, you will be able to see the results instantly. You may experience minor side effects such as bruising, swelling, and redness temporarily in the area of application which resolves itself in a couple of days.

You can resume your daily activities right after treatment, but your cosmetic surgeon may ask you to refrain from strenuous activities and exercises.

How Long Do the Results Last?

The type of dermal filler you choose and the area of treatment decide the longevity of the results. Usually, the denser the product, the longer it takes to get absorbed by our body. Viscous products such as Poly-L-lactic acid are injected deeper than hyaluronic acid filler injected just beneath the skin, enabling the results from Poly-L-lactic acid to last longer.

Once your body has absorbed the injectable dermal fillers, your surgeon will repeat the cosmetic treatment to maintain your results. However, they may adjust the amount and techniques according to your skin’s needs to attain optimal results.

The injectable dermal fillers can last from 9 months in the hyaluronic acid to up to 3 years for autologous fat injections.


An experienced and qualified cosmetic practitioner can guide you to choose the right filler type offering a natural-looking facial enhancement to help you feel more confident. If you are looking for dermal fillers in Baton Rouge, Bella Voi is a leading health and body sculpting clinic that offers diverse cosmetic beautification options.

Ranging from BOTOX to non-surgical injectable treatments, Bella Voi has a team of specialists and experts that can make your beauty dreams come true. Contact us today to learn more about our specialities and services.