Michael Hyatt paints a clear and research-based approach to discovering your life’s purpose and setting meaningful goals in this book.


The tested methods in the book help everyone achieve any type of goal, whether it is personal or business.


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It assists in overcoming day-to-day challenges in order to play the game to their full potential.

The books assist you in visualizing your best year yet and setting up strategies to keep you on track.


The Book of Mistakes: 9 Steps to a Successful Future


Skip Prichard wove this book to beautifully explain the life mistakes that a successful person will not make.


Skip Prichard, the storyteller, has woven the goals of life and ways to achieve them through the story of a young man.


The first mistake revealed by the book is living someone else’s dream. A person who knows exactly what they want to be in life will do whatever it takes to get there.


Nine Distinctive Behaviors of Successful People


According to research on goal achievement, what you do on a daily basis is more important than what you have.


Heidi Grant Halvorson discusses nine things successful people do differently in her research-backed book Nine Things Successful People Do Differently. The following are the nine main points:


  • Narrow down your goal
  • Seize the moment to take action on your goals
  • Focus your efforts.
  • Take advantage of the opportunity to put your goals into action.
  • Determine the exact location of your goal line.
  • Develop a positive attitude.
  • Rather than being good, concentrate on improving your skills.
  • Have the determination to stick to long-term goals. Simply put, you must be tenacious.
  • Develop your willpower.
  • Don’t play with fate.
  • Concentrate on what you intend to do.


She delves deeply into each topic and assists you in understanding how to achieve your goals and organize yourself.


The book improves the level of your long-term goals and the effort you put in to achieve them.

She also emphasizes finding alternatives to what you don’t want to do and replacing them with what you enjoy doing in order to achieve your goal.