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Many parents feel reluctant to teach their children how to read. There are multiple reasons for this trepidation, but they often think that learning to read will be a complicated process and will be too time-consuming. But the truth is that teaching your children how to read does not have to be complex or time-consuming at all. There are ways to teach your child how to read that are efficient, simple, and fun. It will ensure that your child is always eager to learn, and reading will never feel like a chore.

1. Start Small

Begin by limiting the amount of time you spend reading together to one or two minutes at a time. If your child is young, give him the book and say, “Pick it up, turn to a page and start reading.” Once he has read a few words, encourage him to continue reading by using simple words like “over,” “under,” or “near.”

2. Take A Book In Hand And Read Along

Even if you are unfamiliar with the text or can’t read it, reading with your child will make him more comfortable with the process and help him realize that reading is fun. You can be a small reader to spend time reading with your child. Take turns reading sentences aloud and finishing each other’s sentences.

3. Singing And Reading Together

There are many different ways to sing or read a book together. A straightforward suggestion is to start by singing a familiar song. Then, continue reading the same passage that you sang. After you finish, please encourage your child to volunteer words or phrases from their favorite songs and make up nonsensical lyrics.

4. Keep It Consistent

Your child must always see you reading books, magazines, or newspapers. They will want to join in if they see you reading a book or newspaper on the sofa. Consistency is the best way to motivate your child to read. If you always read with your child, then they will be more eager to spend time reading books and newspapers. In addition, if you want your child to grow up with a passion for reading and learning, you must show him how much fun it can be.

5. Invest In A Big, Spacious Bookshelf

Make sure you fill your bookshelves with books that interest you, your spouse, and your children. Allow them to choose other books they may enjoy reading, like ABC books. These books should be diverse and appeal to your children.

6. Create A Reading Zone

If you have a reading nook in your home, it will be a place for you and your children to hang out and read every day. If you don’t have a reading nook, try to find a quiet location in the house where you can read. The kitchen and living room are good choices because they are usually tranquil areas of the home.

7. Be Patient

Try to be patient when teaching your children how to read. Allow them to choose their own pace. They need to understand that reading is a lifelong habit, not something they need to do quickly to pass a test or win a race.

8. Don’t Be Disappointed If They Don’t Read Right Away

It’s natural for children to have many questions about reading, e.g., “What does this say?” “What does that word mean?” “Why are some words in a different color?” If you answer their questions, it will help them to understand the process better.

9. Get Involved

If you are always trying to get other people to do things for you, ask yourself if you are taking the time to teach your child how to read. The time you spend reading with your child is the time they will remember. It will make them want to read and make the whole experience positive.


Reading is essential to a child’s growing process, but teaching them how to read can be challenging. If you take the time to teach your child the basics of reading and make reading a fun experience, they will enjoy it and become an avid reader. It will benefit them later in life and give you a chance to bond with them.