
Yoga ameliorates flexibility, muscle tones, and body balance, and relieves mental stress in addition to breathing. Hence yoga practices help an individual’s overall well-being.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a practice that enhances a person physically, mentally as well as a spiritually; that originated in ancient India. The Sage Patanjali had authored Yoga Sutra; a codified version of Yoga written around 400 CE. Yoga is practiced attaining mental and physical well-being through different types of meditations, physical movements, and breathing methods.

8 different types of Yoga Poses for beginners

To help the newbies start yoga and avail its benefit. Below are mentioned some of the basic yoga poses to assist you in performing the regimen:

  1. Sukhasana – Decent Pose:

For this, you must sit cross-legged on the floor with your hand on the knees, your palms facing upwards, while maintaining your spine upright. Then close your eyes and inhale. This yoga type is best for beginners, and it strengthens the back, stretches the knees and ankles, and it also helps in relieving stress.

  1. Tadasana – Mountain Pose:

Stand in an upright position with your feet united or at a hip-width distance from each other. Ensure to align your body from head to heel, along with the pelvis and shoulders stacked in a straight line.

The Mountain Pose is the foundation stone of all standing postures. This pose is a great impetus to starting postures, resting Pose as well as instrumental in improving postures.

  1. Chakravakasana – Cat-Cow Stretch:

Get on all your fours on the floor; keep your hands at shoulder width and your knees directly below the hips. Breathe deeply and bulge your lower back, also tilt your head up and perform all this in tandem. While breathing out heavily bring your abdomen in, and bulge your spine, also bring your head and pelvis down. It is advised that an individual performs it for 5-10 minutes. This yoga exercise helps to improve the flexibility of the spine, neck, shoulders, and chest.

  1. Vrksasana – Tree Pose – Ameliorates Body Balance:

Stand in the mountain pose. Next, put your right foot on the inner thigh of your left leg, the right knees facing the right side. Hold the positing for 30 seconds and switch the legs and repeat the exercise. This exercise helps improve body balance.

  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog:

Place your hands on the mat with your palms down as support; keep the hands a bit ahead of your shoulders while the head should be facing the knees. Keep your knees under your hips, making an inverted V. lift your butt up and push it back whilst lifting your tailbone towards the ceiling. Do this when exhaling. Hold in the same position for around 30 seconds. Remain in the same position for inhaling, just bend and land on your knees and then repeat the exercise. This will stretch your hamstrings, spines, hands, arches, and calves, and also strengthens your arms, shoulders, and legs.

  1. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward Facing Dog:

It is a low plank pose; keep your hands on the mat and your arms straight and stretched which should keep your shoulders high, and keep your hips close to the ground. Touch the upper part of your feet to the mat. Tilt your head towards the ceiling. This exercise stretches the upper back, chest, and abdomen.

  1. Balasana – Child’s Pose:

Sit with folded legs and the butts lowered; knees facing the front whereas the feet should face the back. Bring your chest closer to the floor over your knees and bring your shoulders and head closer to the floor. Keep your palms on the floor and your hands on the sides. Breathe in and breathe out deeply to relax.

  1. Viparita Karani – Legs Up the Wall Pose:

Lie down on the floor with your posterior against the wall. Keep your legs on the wall making a 90 degree between your upper body and legs. Take deep breaths. You may hold on to this position for as long as you want. Provides relief to legs, feet, and spine.

8 different types of easy Yoga Poses for two people

Yoga is an exercise that helps to enhance flexibility, strength, and de-stress. Performing yoga exercises with two persons is called couples yoga. But before performing the yoga exercises both the partners must warm up to avert injuries and communicate to ensure both are comfortable and safe.

  1. Seated Breathing Pose:

Sit in a cross-legged position with the backs of the partners against each other and breathe. It is just a warm-up yoga exercise. Also, try to sync the respiration patterns and relax.

  1. Ardha Matsyendrasana – Sitting Spinal Twist:

For this exercise, the two partners will be sitting with their backs touching in Sukhasana – an easy pose. Both the partners will be reaching out to one side of the other partner’s hand or knee, thereby twisting the back and stretching the sides.

  1. Double Tree Pose:

This pose is quite similar to the tree pose – Vrksasana but in this scenario, there are two people in the tree pose supporting each other for better stability.

  1. Double Navasana – Partner Boat Pose:

Both partners should sit facing each other. Raise the leg to make an inverted V shape. Grasp each other’s hands and keep your feet together as you start leaning back. The beginners can keep their palms on the floor for stability and try the same. It helps in stretching hamstrings and ameliorates the core.

  1. Double Adho Mukha Svanasana – Double Downward Dog:

In this pose, one partner does a normal downward dog pose while the other partner keeps his/her feet on the back of the partner whilst maintaining the normal downward dog handstand. The partners can swap their positions. This exercise tweaks the shoulders and stretches the upper half of the body.

  1. Twin Anuvittasana – Standing Partner Back Bend:

For this exercise, both the partners should stand facing each other and lock their arms. Next, they should tilt their heads towards the ceiling. This exercise stretches the back part of the body.

  1. Temple pose:

In this pose the partner should stand facing each other, having ample space between them. Maintain your feet at a hip-width distance. Bow down slowly to make your torso parallel to the ground. Lift your head and arms up and ensure that the forearms point towards the ceiling. The palms of the partners should be against each other. Also, ensure to rest equal weights against each other and respire.

  1. Double Chair Pose:

Stand against your back with feet hip-width apart and twine your arms for additional stability other than back support. Squat until your thighs are corresponding to the ground. Maintain the position for a couple of seconds, then relax and repeat.


Yoga assists in the healing process it also tweaks flexibility, strength, balance, de-stress the mind, arthritis, and many more. The article is to assist you to attain a better body and mind, few of the easy yoga exercises have been briefed. Now go ahead and try these beginner-level exercises and see the results.