Widening of waistline? Obviously, it is an unwelcomed situation. You would, of course, love to shed a certain amount of fat from your body to track a healthy waistline. When it comes to belly fat, it could not be reduced within a day but it takes a lot of your effort. However, you would make it facile when you do know the causes of the increasing waistline. This could help you avert certain fatal diseases associated with belly fat. The causes might be certain things that are present in the lifestyle you are leading. You might even come across these elements often but you might not be aware of them. So, let’s check out the following 8 lifestyle elements that increase your waistline.
Stress could be one of the major lifestyle elements that increase your waistline, especially in women. The stress hormone called, cortisol, is tied up with abdominal fat in women. So, ladies! Try to relax and chill!
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Excessive eating would lead to weight gain which would eventually make you worry about your increasing waist. Skipping breakfast or any of your meals in a day could lead to overeating. If you are binge eating foods and not getting enough physical activities, then you are definitely going to frown at your waist size. Since weight gain mostly depends on the intake of calories and the carelessness of burning down calories, it would never be prevented unless you skip taking your meals.
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Sugar is the main villain for your body. When you have sugar intake especially in the form of high fructose corn syrup, it would stimulate insulin production which could easily develop visceral belly fat. So, it is better to stay away from sugar-sweetened soft drinks and curb the cravings for colourful candies.
Like sugar intake, the changes in the hormones which are associated with menopause are one of the major reasons for the increased waistline. As menopause would shut down the production of the sex hormones like oestrogen, it would lead to the development of abdominal fat. Not to mention, the menopause phase could create changes in the body weight thereby altering the storage of fat in the waist to other body parts as well.
Sprinkling excessive salt over your food would trigger the water to transfer from your bloodstream to your skin. Most people would do this blunt mistake of consuming excessive salt than the recommended amount every day. You must have to avoid adding excessive salt and the intake of salt through other sources such as canned foods, deli meats, salad dressing, and some dairy products like cottage cheese.
The presence of a healthy amount of magnesium in your body could help strengthen your heart and neutralize your blood sugar level. Additionally, it could even be helpful in weight loss too. Howbeit, the lack of magnesium in your body would do the exact opposite to your health.
Leading a sedentary lifestyle is the major reason for the widening of the waistline. The lack of movement in your body or sticking to a particular place for hours could lead to weight gain. It would be good if you walk or move often around your place.
Skipping seven to eight hours of sleep at night could be a reason as well. Your body would get enough rest and rejuvenation when you are taking rest. But when there is no healthy sleeping pattern, it would directly stimulate the stress hormone and hankerings for sugary foods. These are in turn no good for your body. So, try to eliminate the unwanted lifestyle elements to get better and to stay in shape.