Many people consume THC in edible form because they find the experience more enjoyable. Commonly known as edibles, these types of THC products can be bought or made at home in the form of brownies, cookies, gummies, and similar treats. Before you consider consuming THC in this type of product, there are a few things you should know to ensure you have a safe and positive experience.
It Can Interact With Medication
Before you begin searching for a dispensary near me, you should talk to your doctor about your intention to consume edibles. This is an important step if you’re taking any other medication or supplement.
The THC can interact with medication in unexpected ways, producing unanticipated side effects. Alternatively, the interaction may also reduce the effectiveness of your other medications. Your doctor will have a better idea of what to expect and they may recommend taking other steps to prevent adverse reactions.
It Can Be Overwhelming
People trying edibles for the first time are usually unprepared for the effects of the THC in the products they consume. The psychoactive properties in THC are often stronger than the individual expects, and consuming too many at one time can leave anyone feeling disoriented.
For the best results, consume one edible and wait at least 30 minutes to evaluate the effect it has on you. If you want a stronger effect, you can consume another edible later.
The Effects May Be Longer Lasting
In addition to the strength of the TCH product, it’s also important to measure the duration of the effects. Especially if you consume more than one dose or item, the psychoactive effects can last longer than you anticipate. For this reason, the best thing to do when consuming edibles for the first time is to wait until later in the evening.
Choose a night when you’re not expecting guests and when you know you won’t have to leave the house. This will allow you to relax and enjoy the full experience without engaging in unsafe behaviors.
You Should Be Patient
It can take up to half an hour for the full effects of the edible to develop, so it’s important to be patient. Often, people who are consuming THC-based products for the first time consume too many at once.
Since they don’t feel the effects right away, they continue consuming the edibles until they do feel something. This can lead to overdoing it, leaving you feeling unwell. Rather than risking a negative experience, consume edibles slowly and wait to experience the effects before consuming more.
You Need to Store Them Correctly
If you have a sweet tooth, you should store other snacks in your home that don’t contain THC. This will allow you to snack safely when you are experiencing an altered state of mind.
Additionally, be aware that storing THC edibles should be done safely to avoid accidental consumption of the products. Be sure they are stored in a clearly marked container. You should also store them in a cabinet where children and pets won’t be able to take them.
Start by Buying Instead of Baking
As you research THC edibles online, you’ll find that there are many recipes for making homemade edibles. As a first-time user, you should stick to store-bought edibles rather than trying to make your own.
Homemade products tend to have higher THC doses than commercially manufactured products. Ideally, you should wait until you’re comfortable with consuming edibles before you try to make your homemade THC-based treats.
Avoid the Consumption of Alcohol
It’s important to remember that THC is a psychoactive drug and, as such, should not be taken with any other mind-altering substances. This is especially true regarding alcohol consumption.
If you drink any type of alcoholic beverage, be sure to avoid it on evenings when you intend to consume edibles. The combination of these substances can have negative effects on your mind and body. At the very least, you’ll experience nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and possibly a severe headache.
Wrapping Up
While many people enjoy consuming edibles, this isn’t the best way for everyone to experience the benefits of THC. If you don’t enjoy the feeling edibles produce, consider switching to a CBD oil or another type of product that limits the psychoactive effects. Researching more about marijuana, THC, and CBD oils can help you find the product that’s best for your situation.