Working towards a lean physique can mean many different things. For some, this is an effort to shed stubborn layers of subcutaneous fat so that the underlying muscle definition is revealed. For others, it’s simply a matter of striving for better health. No matter what your motivation may be, the six considerations that follow may expedite your results.

1. Deprivation Does Not Make the Metabolism More Robust

Although there are certainly good arguments for intermittent fasting or one-meal-a-day (OMAD) programs, long-term deprivation can work against you. Getting leaner by stripping off fat shouldn’t mean depriving your body of the nutrients and calories that it needs to function well. This is especially important to keep in mind if the nutritional changes that you’re implementing are paired with vigorous cardio, strength training, or a weightlifting routine.

When the body is forced to subsist on too few calories for too long, the metabolism can enter into starvation mode. This is a phase of functioning in which the body is actively protecting itself against starvation by storing the limited calories it does receive as fat, and burning fewer calories overall. 

Nutritionists and fitness trainers with nutritional certifications can show you how to ramp up your metabolism with the right food choices, and without feeling deprived or packing on pounds. For most people, this often means eating more heart-healthy fats like olives, salmon, avocado, and coconut butter or coconut oil, as well as ample servings of complex carbohydrates such as quinoa, dark leafy greens, or steel cut oatmeal.

2. Some of the Most Effective Strategies Go Beyond Diet and Exercise

Eating a carefully planned and needs-specific diet, and implementing a structured and consistent workout routine are both essential for creating and maintaining a lean, lithe physique. However, there are a few strategies that you can leverage to enhance the efficacy of both these measures by enhancing your body’s fat-burning abilities.

For instance, you can ramp up your weight loss and strip fat off of areas that are resistant to exercise and dieting by regularly taking cold showers. Subjecting the entire body to cold temperatures to amplify weight loss is known as recreational hypothermia. Although a cold shower will make your skin and scalp feel cold, it will increase your internal core temperature, ramp up your metabolism, and increase your blood flow.

Another easy way to improve your body’s fat-burning abilities is by getting a good night’s sleep. Don’t sacrifice your rest in your efforts to get a long workout in. When stripping unwanted fat is the goal, try to aim for approximately seven to nine hours of unbroken sleep each night.

3. There’s a Big Difference Between Subcutaneous Fat and Visceral Fat

There are two types of fat that your body can store. These are subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat lies just under the skin and right on top of the muscle. If you have enough of it, you can grab and pinch it with your fingers. Visceral fat is a dangerous, tallowy, yellow fat that surrounds your organs. 

If you have a round, bloated midsection but can’t pinch the fat that’s causing your stomach to distend, you likely have a lot of visceral fat. Large amounts of visceral fat in the upper belly are a common sign of a fatty liver.

Visceral fat is incredibly stubborn. Subcutaneous fat will quickly respond to changes in diet and activity levels, but visceral fat takes a bit more time to burn off. If you have a lot of visceral fat, implement a workout plan that includes more cardio than strength training until the targeted area has a less bloated and distended appearance.

4. Hormone Profiles Matter

If your diet and exercise plans aren’t working, it’s likely because your body is lacking the correct chemistry for achieving the physique you really want. For many people, failure to shed stubborn pockets of fat at the midsection is the result of excess stress and too much cortisol (a major stress hormone). 

In other instances, the results that people want simply aren’t feasible without outside support. This is frequently the case for bodybuilders, whether they’re bulking or cutting. It can be hard to both cut calories for weight loss and still get adequate nutrients for muscle gains. 

If you have grandiose visions and a lot to accomplish, you might want to buy turkesterone. Supplements like this one make it possible to overcome natural, physical limitations by slightly tweaking your hormone profile so that your body is able to build muscle and shed fat simultaneously.

5. What Your Food Eats Is Important

Among the most popular additions to the typical lean diet plan is broiled or pan-seared chicken. Although chicken is lean meat and a great source of protein for fueling muscle development, it becomes less than ideal when you’re consuming chicken that was raised on a grain-based or even largely sugar-based diet. 

When mass-produced, many animals wind up eating foods that they wouldn’t eat in nature. More importantly, as their nutritional profiles decline, the number of beneficial nutrients that eating them will provide declines as well. Choose pasture-raised or free-range chicken rather than chicken that’s been grain-fed. If you can afford it, try to consume only grass-fed beef as well.

6. Hydrating the Right Way Can Expedite Your Results

Another important weight loss tip comes directly from legendary heavyweight Mike Tyson. According to Tyson, “warm water eats fat” while cold water feeds it. Rather than finishing his workouts with a large bottle of ice-cold water, he consumes his water as hot or as part of a freshly steeped tea. 

To maximize the benefits of this technique, you can try adding a slice or two of fresh lemon to your hot water. With lemon as a natural diuretic, you can both burn more fat and lose stored water.

Bottom Line

Diet and exercise set the foundation for weight loss. When it comes to getting truly lean, however, most people need a little help. Whether supplementing, changing the temperature of the water you shower in or consume, or consulting with a nutritionist, there are always ways to expedite this process.