As seniors age they may start facing mobility issues, however for most people there is no place like home. In the later stages of life, many seniors prefer to live in the comfort and convenience of their own homes, and this is totally understandable. It is for this reason that personal at-home care assistance has become so popular over the years. Rather than moving to a long-term care facility, more and more families are deciding that their elders should age at home, if it is possible to do so.

There are many benefits to senior home-care services. Below, you will learn about some of the top advantages of senior home-care services, compared to senior residences.

1. Age In A Comfortable Surrounding

Spending the golden years of life in your own home rather than in a long-term senior care facility is practical and can have sentimental reasons. Generally, elders have lived their entire lives in their home, raised their families in their home and created endless fond memories throughout the years, also in their home. Leaving the comfort of their own home for an unfamiliar assisted-living facility can be difficult and some times daunting seniors. Seniors tend to struggle with change and find it difficult to adapt to new surroundings.

Staying in place may therefore be a more comfortable and desirable option. The senior care providers placed by Hadley Reese assist seniors with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, cooking, and housekeeping. Their Senior Care providers are skilled and experienced that can handle difficult health conditions such as forms of cancer and Parkinson’s disease, and assist with medical help (including wound care, IV therapy, insulin injections, and more).

2. Better Health Outcomes

There is evidence that elders who age at home continue with better physical and mental health as opposed to their contemporaries in nursing homes. Moving away from home can be stressful and put seniors at a higher risk of depression or declining health conditions. Having less control and independence over their schedule can also affect them mentally. Seniors in nursing homes are also at a higher risk of developing infections by living in a group setting. Seniors who age in their homes with the help of proper elderly care services are able to retain independence and continue to engage in activities they love such as gardening and volunteering in their community. This helps them in maintaining their mental and physical functioning and gives them a better quality of life.

3. One-On-One Attention

With a personal at-home caregiver, seniors benefit from one-one attention at all times. Seniors receive the ultimate level of care and attention in their own safe and comfortable environment.

4. Personalized Care

Instead of having to adjust to the schedules and routines of an assisted care facility, senior home care services are customized to suit the requirements of each senior. Whether they require assistance only for a few hours or full-time care, senior home-care services are flexible and designed with the best interests of your loved ones in mind.

5. Companionship

The caregivers provided by Hadley Reese not only help with dressing, cooking, and medication reminders, but just as importantly they also provide companionship to elders. They are always present to read, play a card game or become a new travel buddy. Seniors who live alone are at risk of loneliness or insolation. On days when family members and friends are not able to visit, personal in-home caregivers can provide seniors the social interaction they need and deserve.

6. Better Involvement

Providing at-home care services for seniors is the optimal solution for family caretakers who wish to play an active role in their elders’ care but need support in doing so. It is possible to be hands-on and act as their caretaker whenever your schedule allows. However, when you are not able to be there with your elders, the Hadley Reese home care aids are available to fill in, thereby giving you peace of mind and perhaps a much-needed break.

The Hadley Reese staffing agency employs skilled, reliable and trustworthy caregivers that work to develop a detailed care and medical plan for each beloved elder. If you are searching for senior home care agency in Montreal, you can rest assured that our nurses will provide the senior in your life with the best care and keep you updated with their daily routines.