In the field of user interface and user experience design, there are no set rules to follow in order to produce an effective design. A designer can create something that will be highly successful and visually pleasing even if it deviates from the popular styles and trends of the moment. However, just because there aren’t any concrete rules doesn’t mean that guidelines don’t exist – they absolutely do, and by following them you can increase your odds of creating something beautiful and functional that your users will love.
1) Focus on user needs
Usability design is not just about making the product usable, but also maintaining its usability over time. Users may change as they grow and develop, or as their environment changes (or new technology emerges). A product needs to be usable for a given user in any situation. Therefore, it should be designed with different types of users in mind so that it can fulfill all of their needs. Not only does this make the product more functional, but it also makes it easier to use since users do not have to adapt themselves or learn how to use it with every iteration. For example, a car dashboard might include customization features like different colors and backgrounds for drivers who are colorblind so that they can better see information on the screen without any additional effort on their part.
2) Use simple and intuitive navigation
No matter what industry you’re in, it’s important to keep your user in mind and provide them with a way to easily find the information they need. It’s hard for users to stay engaged when they’re constantly scrambling around trying to find what they need. A simple and intuitive navigation will be appreciated by all users. When we make sure the process is easy and efficient, people are more likely to explore more of our content. Let’s use an example of a hypothetical tech company that sells electronic equipment: if their website has plenty of clear navigational links on every page then their customers will feel like they have full control over where they want to go.
3) Add personality to all products
You can have the greatest idea in the world, but without some level of creativity, and a little bit of personal flavor, it’s not going to have much sway. And it’s through UX that this personalization happens. Designers must create with intention, something subtle that makes the customer feel connected to the product or service on a deeper level. This depth should be built into all aspects of a project: from the color palette and typography down to how forms are set up and navigation is designed.
4) Use the right colours for better conversions
The colours you choose for your website and products can have a significant impact on how many visitors convert to customers. For example, research from Twitter found that the blue and green colour families are the best at increasing conversions because they’re the least red-toned colors. Avoid using warm colors, such as orange or yellow, because these colours can put visitors in a negative mood. However, if you want to achieve the same results as blue and green without using those colors then opt for pastels.
5) Design mobile first
Narrow your vision. There are many screens to cover, but for the moment it is best to put all of your energy on designing for mobile devices. UI/UX Designers call this mobile first thinking and refer to it as a form of the lean startup methodology, which in an organizational context can be called an MVP (minimum viable product). Keeping this principle in mind when designing ensures you’ll have a great experience from day one no matter what screen size you happen to use.
Final Note
It’s important to design in a way that makes it easy for the user to understand and enjoy using. That being said, there are so many wonderful UI/UX design principles to learn from! We hope this post has provided you with some great inspiration to take into your own projects. Let us know if you have any thoughts or suggestions on what we could have done better in the comments below!