As the race of “which websites can give users the best experience?” continues , Google has finally decided to level up the battle by laying down new and challenging metrics that websites should adhere to. To achieve the best user experience, these new Core Web Vitals implemented by Google contain the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures to detect and monitor a webpage’s performance easily.
Despite the existence of helpful companies such as a White Label Graphic Design agency that can fully assist your webpage in following these metrics, there are still five tips you can use when enhancing core web vitals yourself. These are the following:
Optimization of JavaScript Code, Images and Videos
Do you wonder why there have been significant delays whenever you try opening some pages? Heavy JavaScript is the one responsible for that. By freeing up or optimizing this, browser blocks could be avoided and minimized, improving loading speed and your webpage’s search engine rank; the same goes for the images and videos.
Lazy Loading Implementation
Lazy loading, negative as it sounds, does more positivity for your website. It is known to reduce the weight of pages, thus resulting in a faster loading time.
Ads and Pop-ups Above Content Avoidance
Aside from the fact that advertisements and pop-ups are mostly unwanted, these elements could also mess up the visual experiences of the user about the page. It is highly recommended only to put these elements at one spot on the page altogether.
Server Response Time Improvement
To achieve and maximize your page’s full potential, a subscription to a high-performance server is a great and wise investment.
In some cases, however, companies have little to no knowledge or time when it comes to attending to the preexisting metrics – let alone with the new ones. But with a White Label Graphic Design service that Digital Marketing Philippines can offer, these can all be made accessible. Let this informative infographic happily assist you if you wish to learn more.