The world of plastic surgery is full of endless myths and misconceptions. For example, we often hear that plastic surgery is only for the rich and famous. But is it true? However, not all plastic surgery myths are negative! Many people believe these myths because they simply don’t have reliable information from a credible source. 

Continue reading to discover the five misconceptions about plastic surgery you should know about.

1. You need a specific blood type or skin type

While many blood types are not compatible with certain surgeries, it is important to know that there are many alternatives to achieve the same results. You also do not need to have a specific skin type to have a procedure done. Some doctors and surgeons perform procedures on patients of all skin types, depending on the procedure. For example, laser resurfacing (also known as laser lipo) is often performed on patients with a variety of skin types. Therefore, there is no specific skin type you need to have to undergo a procedure.

2. This is not necessary to be in good physical condition

There are both easy and complicated plastic surgeries. In each case, the doctor decides whether you are healthy enough to undergo surgery without complications and risks. There are many reasons you may want to have surgery. It is important to feel good enough physically and mentally to make this decision. If you experience low self-esteem or are struggling with body image issues, it is better to visit a psychologist before going under the knife. You should also know that there are many risks associated with cosmetic surgeries, including infection and damage to the muscles or nerves. If you are not in good physical condition, you could end up having more complications or needing more procedures in the future.

3. It’s okay to have plastic surgery during your period

Yes, it is a common myth! There are many reasons why you should not have plastic surgery during your period. Firstly, you may be very uncomfortable before, during, and after the procedure, taking painkillers or lying down for long periods of time. Plastic surgery is an invasive procedure that requires you to lie still for a few hours or even days after it. When you are in pain and are unable to lie down, it can cause complications. Blood flow may also be restricted, which can lead to an infection. Finally, it is also important to note that hormones are often low during a period. This means your body may not be fully prepared for surgical changes.

4. Only celebrities get plastic surgery

This is a common misconception about plastic surgery. While plastic surgery is far more common in other parts of the world, it is crucial to remember that plastic surgery is a normal part of modern medicine. It is performed every day by surgeons, and should not be seen as a ‘shocking’ event. Celebrities are often used as a reference point to explain the phenomenon of plastic surgery – but that’s all it should be. Plastic surgery is not only for celebrities, and it is not something that only happens in other countries. If you are considering plastic surgery, don’t let the common misconception that it is a ‘celebrity thing’ make you feel uncomfortable. This is your body, and you should feel empowered to make decisions about it.

5. Only vain and ugly people want plastic surgery

Some people say that plastic surgery is for those who are ugly or overweight. But many people who get plastic surgery just want to correct small imperfections. It is not something that is only done by those who are too unattractive. Also, there is a myth that people who get plastic surgery are vain and think they are ‘better than everyone else.’ But even the most successful plastic surgeons will tell you that 90 percent of their clients are just trying to feel better about themselves.