If you want people to stick around and keep coming back, you must design your website with an eye toward aesthetics. There are five elements of a website that affect the way it is perceived by its visitors. Every element contributes to how people perceive your site. While no one element is more important than the others, improving any one element can drastically increase your chances of success.

According to studies, up to 38 percent of users will ditch your site if they dislike its look or feel. Now, here are the 5 elements a website must have:


Your website should reflect your brand, so it needs to be consistent with other marketing materials you use. This includes colors, logos, and fonts as well as images and videos. You can even use stock photos of employees or team members to give people an idea of who works at your company.


A good layout makes content easy to find, read and understand. It should be intuitive enough that someone unfamiliar with your business can use it without instruction. Your site should also provide useful information that helps visitors make decisions about hiring you or working with you.


Good content means more than just having text on your site — it’s about creating relevant, valuable information and experiences for your audience. It will help them learn about your brand and what makes you special compared to competitors. It’s important that you update this content regularly so potential customers are always up-to-date on new products and services you’re offering. You should also include contact information so customers can reach out easily if they have questions or want more information about something on your site.


A great website is easy to use. It has a simple navigation system, and its pages load quickly. If you’re building your site yourself, it’s important to make sure that each page has all the information you need, but no more. Keep your site clear and concise so visitors can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

Mobile Optimization

Your website should be functional on all devices, not just desktop computers. In fact, mobile optimization is becoming increasingly important for small businesses because consumers spend more time browsing on their phones than on any other device. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile viewing, visitors may give up on finding what they need and leave without converting into customers or leads.

There is no doubt how crucial a good website is for showcasing your business or nonprofit. It’s the first thing that interested parties will see and interact with when you want to get your organization noticed. Like any piece of digital media, it must communicate well to be effective, and websites generally only get one chance to impress their users. A poorly-designed website could result in thousands of dollars in lost potential donations, customers, and attention. Do your homework and be selective about picking an attractive theme for your site. Focus on functionality rather than looks alone! The five elements we’ve mentioned here will help you put together a site that works both aesthetically and practically. If you incorporate the above into your next project, you’ll put yourself a lot closer on your journey towards getting more visitors to come back for seconds—and not just one visit.