What is a Fashion Trend?
A fashion trend is when a certain object, silhouette or color, or a fashion-forward style gains popularity. There are many factors that can affect trends or fads, including famous celebrity attire as well as fashion merchandising businesses fashion shows, designer shows, and even textile producers. Fashion trends are always cyclical and go through a 5-stage cycle that begins by introducing the fashion and then ends with its obsolescence. Once a fashion trend has reached its maximum popularity, it’s going to begin to lose popularity until it’s considered obsolete and not fashionable, ultimately getting to the point of no return in the cycle where it is rescinded by fashion designers and consumers. However, due the nature of fashion, which is cyclical it is possible that the trend that was rejected will come back into the cycle after it has reached obsolescence.
Which Is what is Fashion Cycle?
It is an organic process through which a trend is introduced, grows to the top of the list, then falls in popularity, and then is discarded at the point of obsolescence. This is a summary of the five stages of the standard fashion cycle
Introduction: The introduction phase is when the latest fashion is first introduced to the fashion industry. It could take the form of high-end design that is released during fashion week, a dress that is worn by a celebrity or an initiative by a marketing agency or manufacturer. The fashion is generally only available in limited quantities from a small number of brands or retailers, usually for a premium price. Readymade Pakistani clothes has the comparatively less prices.
Increase: The stage called the increase (also known as “fashion acceptance” stage) is when the latest trend is beginning to gain momentum and gain traction in the fashion world getting the coveted “trend” designation. The stage during which the trend is rising the fashion-conscious and fashion-forward people wear clothes that reflect the concept, from social media influencers to famous people as well as increasing the demand of consumers. Due to the acceptance by fashion-conscious influencers retailers, more shops will start carrying the fashion.
Peak: At the final stage the trend is at complete saturation among the general population and the majority of consumers start wearing the style. The majority of retailers will have recognized and reproduced the style, as well as it’ll be readily available by mass production in various prices, with a particular emphasis on cheaper costs.
Decline: By the time you reach the phase of decline it will be apparent that the style has become over-hyped on the market. At this point the frenzied popularity of the fashion will start to sway buyers who prefer their clothes to be unique and trendy instead of a typical.
Obsolescence: When the fashion is over this fashion season, it’s thought to be outdated and no longer fashionable by fashion-conscious people who have shifted to more modern trends during the stages of introduction or growth. The fact that something is obsolescent doesn’t mean that the trend that was rejected will not return to the fashion cycle. The cycle is always in a loop, constantly which brings back “old styles” to propel them through the fashion cycle. For instance, the life cycle of waistlines in jeans that are high-waisted saw peak in popularity in the 1940s, in the late 1970s and the early 1980s and in the decade of 2010, while low-waisted jeans had a resurgence between the two periods, from the 1960s and the late 1990s into the early 2000s.
How to use to utilize Fashion Cycle in the Design Process
For fashion designers who want to make a name for themselves the fashion cycle could be an enormous help or an enormous distraction. Here are some suggestions to make use of your knowledge about the fashion industry to improve your design process
Be focused on fulfilling the needs instead of following trends. The time and energy trying to figure out the next trend could result in burning out. Fashion moves quickly. In certain instances the style of clothing can change and fall within a short period of years. Instead of focusing on trends instead, think about “filling needs”–for example when oversized coats are in fashion and you’re in an unmet need for cozy fitting, slim-fitting coats. Additionally, think about your personal style preferences and the ways you can utilize your style to appeal to them. Being authentic with your style will lead to a fashion collection that you are happy with and not one that is that is merely inspired by fashion. Wedding dresses are the peak visuals of fashion trends.
Keep in mind that changes are natural. A design you’ve created could be a big trend but it will start to fall off once it has reached the top of its game and then be discarded as a natural aspect of its existence. If your design is in the process of becoming obsolete It’s crucial to understand that this phase of the cycle is common to every trend, not only your own. The pace of change is never-ending in the fashion industry so you as well as your design will evolve and change throughout your career.
Use your sense of direction. When a style is beginning to look old-fashioned it may be time to take it off your collection, but this may not be the best option. If you’ve designed a distinctive style or silhouette that is fading away think about making it a staple in your collection, instead of taking it off to pursue the next fashion. As as a designer, you need to go with your gut instead of following the fashions of the ever-changing fashion cycle If your goal is to create a timeless item that people love.