What’s better than earning money doing something you love? Earning money while helping people in your community. Whether you provide a service, sell products, or offer advice to customers, you can use Google Local Service Ads to let potential customers know that they can find what they need right in their neighborhood. To make sure your ads are performing as well as possible, make sure you follow these four ways to improve Google Local Service Ads.

1) Increase Quality Score

The local service ad is one of a few different types of ads you can use with AdWords. The first step to improving your local service ad is raising your Quality Score. A high Quality Score will help make sure your business appears at or near the top of Local search results, giving potential customers easy access to your company. For example, a high-scoring company might appear on top in search results for tax accountant while a low-scoring company might be displayed under Restaurants—not an ideal situation for someone looking for help with their taxes. The best way to raise your Quality Score is by improving website content related to Local Services and checking that you’re meeting location targeting requirements.

2) Optimize your Landing Page

If you have a local business, then you know how important it is to get your message across to your potential customers. A great way to reach out and drive traffic is through Local SEO. There are several steps you can take in order to optimize your Local SEO and help with organic traffic, but one of the best ways is by improving your AdWords landing page for local services ads. Use these four steps below when writing an optimized landing page for AdWords! It will increase click-through rate (CTR) and convert better than before.

3) Split Test Headlines

Some of your best opportunities for improvement will come when you compare different headlines in local service ads. To run an A/B test, set up two or more versions of your ad that have different headline copy. Make sure they have identical destinations and other elements, so that only one difference is present between them. Use each version as you normally would, until you see results from at least 20 clicks on either ad. Then measure which headline is performing better in terms of higher click-through rate and conversion rate.

4) Create Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA)

Remarketing is a type of retargeting that allows you to show ads for your products and services to people who have previously visited your website. You might be asking yourself, Wait, I thought we were talking about local search ads here? You’re right—and that’s exactly why you need two lists. First, set up a remarketing list based on everyone who has searched on Google within a certain radius of your business or brand. Second, create another remarketing list based on customers who have previously visited your website. It’s important that both sets are exclusive—that way you’ll know they were created by local searchers and site visitors.


Local Search Engine Marketing is among one of several possible techniques that could potentially be employed by a business in order to improve search engine optimization and sales. The effective use of local SEM services require close consideration of appropriate geographic keywords, as well as consideration of important local trends and phrases. Armed with specific geographic data, businesses can ensure that potential customers will see their ads when they are most likely to be receptive. The process may seem complex at first, but fortunately there are plenty of excellent SEOs who know how to manage both national and local PPC advertising campaigns using proven strategies that deliver great results.