The daycare or preschool parents choose for their child plays a crucial role in their development. As believed, it’s not a place where your child gets busy with toys, games, activities, and new friends for a few hours. But it’s a literacy and development center where your little one learns the fundamental skills and habits in a fun, supportive environment. When you want your child to learn and thrive in their early phases of development, ensure you keep the following things in mind when looking for the best preschool and daycare in Sunnyvale


Staff and facility

Your child is still in their development stage and, therefore, they need a daycare facility with a supportive staff. Do your homework and look for a center where teachers are not only skilled and experienced but are also trained in performing first aid and CPR. Do they have clean and sanitary classrooms? Are their toys and learning materials age-appropriate? Do they maintain a warm and friendly environment in their facility to make learning fun? Learning about these things will make it easier for you to select the best preschool in Sunnyvale. 


Environment and safety

If the daycare center doesn’t have a warm and welcoming environment, your child may not feel comfortable and safe. When selecting a daycare or preschool, consider the school environment. Choose a location that’s not far from your home or workplace so that you can pick your child up anytime if they need you. Consider the facility’s safety and security protocols to learn how they keep their students safe and protected. Do they have a kid-friendly playground? What do they do in case of an accident, as children are curious and getting injured while playing is common? Take your time to look into these things when checking out different facilities for your child. 


Curriculum and program

Your child needs age-appropriate learning, no matter how young they are. When searching for daycare in Sunnyvale, do not forget to learn about their curriculum and program. During the meeting with the center’s owner or management authority, ask about the lessons they teach their students. Learn if they tailor-made their programs according to children’s developmental stages. Avoid enrolling your child in a center that focuses only on learning because playtime is crucial for a preschooler’s growth. Another thing you must never ignore is how they give updates to parents about their child’s growth and development because they also need to know whether their little munchkin is learning as per their age or not. 


Day-to-day activities and food

Different facilities offer different daily activities. While some focus on structured classroom activities, others take their students on outdoor trips for engaging activities. When choosing a preschool or daycare center, choose a program that best suits your child’s development needs. Besides fun and learning activities, check whether they offer a properly balanced diet to students, keeping essential nutrition in mind. Before selecting a facility, ensure they provide nutritious and healthy food and never compromise the food quality. Also, know about alternatives they offer if your child is allergic to any food. 


Lastly, trust your gut instinct; you must not go for it if something doesn’t feel right. Take your child with you when looking for the best daycare and preschool in Sunnyvale. If they like the center and find it a happy and friendly place, that’s probably the right place.