As we all know that CRMs are designed to empower sales using automation and since 1999 Salesforce is doing it elegantly. Over the period of 23 years, it has added infinite features and capabilities making Salesforce one of the best solutions out there in the market. However, when it comes to sales then the data becomes crucial as the CRMs have to go through and save tons of data to make it effective and that is data security is an important topic to discuss while using CRM. We all have seen that data is being sold and is getting used in the wrong ways. Although companies start their Salesforce adoption from the Salesforce consulting companies today we businesses are offering more than one solution. And when it comes to Salesforce for high tech industry then the volume of data follows and typically extends to other parts of the organisation.

Although it is better to hire salesforce consulting companies that have good talent, it is also important to have an idea to learn some data security tips so you are aware of the risks, potential breaches, and regulatory fines. For the same purpose, we are writing this blog as we are outlining the four steps to get started with better salesforce security. Without further ado, let us jump right into it.

Salesforce consulting companies

1. Identifying Security Vulnerabilities

When you are using an amazing tool like Salesforce then one thing is sure it is going to be deeply embedded in your organisation thanks to its features. For the same reasons, it will become important to regularly revisit and reassess your security posture. It will make sure you are considering new use cases and data requirements. For instance, you can start by taking stock of your existing security posture and identifying the data you need to be protecting. Although salesforce for high tech offers Health Check it also allows you to integrate third-party solutions to easily identify security vulnerabilities.

2. Classify Your Data

Organisations change with time – new fields of discovery come in, and lists, reports, and features also get added with time. That means a variety of data for your Salesforce software. Before you release them into the wild then ensure each type of data is classified properly. It means identifying which fields should be protected and whether Salesforce shield, other applications, and/or the Salesforce platform can meet these protection needs or not.

3. Implementing Security Controls

One of the best ways to ensure data safety with Salesforce is to implement security controls as soon as possible within the organisation. The exercise should include:

  • User access controls
  • Encryption at rest
  • Data backup and recovery
  • Data archiving
  • Data anonymization in non-production environments

4. Prove Compliance for Audits

Audits are basically designed to reveal blind spots or security vulnerabilities before they present a problem. So, conducting regular security audits helps stress test your strategy but it can only be useful when you put the findings into practice promptly. One of the reasons why it is better to hire experts from salesforce consulting firms.


These are the best four ways to maintain salesforce data security. In recent times data has become important and you must know how to protect it. We hope you will find the information in this post useful.