There is no better way to start making your own vape juice than by beginning with a list of tried and tested recipes. These vape juice combinations are considered some of the most amazing DIY recipes out there because they don’t call for unusual or difficult-to-find flavours. Plus, nicotine concentrate uk, they come from skilled mixers who know how to make the most of each component without using too much of it.
We have compiled a list of some of the best recipes we could find and explained each flavour concentrate for a more detailed breakdown.
1. Simple Sugar Cookie
This is a very straightforward e liquid recipe for beginners from ID10-T, who was also the winner of the second DIYorDIE World Mixing Championship. It just requires two ingredients for a flavouring content of 12%, making it quite easy to mix but difficult to leave down after a week of steeping. Both ingredients could have benefited from the support of other concentrates or even a little complexity, but the purpose of this recipe was to be as simple as possible.
- Cookie Dough: with the taste of realistic cookie dough, this flavour concentrate adds a versatile biscuit and cookie flavouring to your e liquid that you are sure to love. Plus, the concentrate is very light and won’t hurt any of your mixes if used in the right quantity. In this recipe specifically, its only purpose is to add cookie dough flavour straight-up.
- Custard: This one is a must-have if custards are your thing. Our custard concentrate is rich, eggy, and adaptable, and can be utilised in a variety of ways at various percentages. Here you can give your flavour some creaminess by using no more than 4% of the concentrate.
2. Thai Coconut Ice Cream
This recipe is also straightforward and just calls for three components for a 6.25% of the flavour. Mixer dazcole, the creator of Divine Shots, uses the adage “less is more” to create an intriguing flavour profile by making the most of each flavour. Between the third and fifth day of steeping, this mixture begins to explode and is greater than the sum of its components.
- Caramel: this flavour is the easiest to work around with. Simply use it between 0.5 and 2%, and chances are you’ll improve your mixture. It even works with creams, fruits, and even some tobaccos. This recipe demands just 1.25% to aid in flavour blending and give the ice cream a hint of caramel.
- Coconut: we have a really authentic coconut flavour that doesn’t taste like sunscreen, which is the main drawback of most coconut concentrates. In addition, it is not like candy, more like a cross between drinking coconut milk and eating coconut. So, just add just no more than 1% and you are good to go.
- Ice Cream: this flavouring can is used to give your mixture more texture since we are going for an ice-cream flavour profile in this mixture.
3. Goofy’s Juice
This formula for an all-day vape was previously the top-rated one on ELR. Goofy’s Juice is a straightforward yet light, sweet tobacco mixture. It benefits greatly from proper steeping, therefore we suggest mixing it and setting it aside in your cabinet for at least a month. You should mix this one for sure if you prefer RY4 vapes.
- Nutty Tobacco: Nutty tobacco, which is an additive rather than a standard flavour concentrate, has the flavour of roasted nuts and can be used to add depth to most mixtures. Not only does it taste great in dessert recipes but is also great for more toned-down combinations.
- Hazelnut: A creamy, luscious hazelnut. It works excellently with a wide range of available recipes, including cereal mixtures, sweet tobacco blends, and dessert blends.
- Peanut: it is one of the best flavours out there but isn’t widely used in a lot of recipes. The peanut concentrate is very versatile and is not too complicated to use either. You can use it in low percentages to accent certain blends or make a dominant flavour starring peanuts. Here, though, you just need the smallest amount, less than 1% to accent the entire blend.
- RY4: This tobacco flavoured is by far the most popular one available in the market. It is the king of sweet tobaccos. Front-loaded with caramel and vanilla, the back is silky tobacco. Suitable for vaping alone or in combination with flavours that bring out the vanilla and/or caramel undertones. Even the caramel component of dessert dishes uses it to enhance it.
Now, if you are in search of all these flavour concentrates along with all the other components to get started on your own DIY vape juice, check out our collection at Cheap E Liquid UK. We have everything from nicotine shots for your vape to PG and VG. So, browse the collection and add your favourite items to the cart!