By now, you might already have encountered a bed bug problem at some point in your life. Perhaps you’re having a fit of itching at the time of reading. If it makes you feel any better, you’re not alone!
Bed bugs should have been eradicated in the 1940s had it not been for the rapid rise of commercial flights in the latter years. Without you even realizing it, bed bug infestations can harm your overall health, with effects ranging from no reaction to severe ones, such as anaphylaxis.
Most of the time, DIY pest control needs professional reinforcement, and, if not, your bed bug problem can only be eradicated by a trained professional. If you’re not convinced enough, here are 3 reasons why you should hire a trained bed bug removal professional:
1. The emergence of bed bugs regardless of the season
Just because you’re having a hard time finding them, doesn’t mean they’re not there. In fact, bed bugs are more prevalent than you might think! As per the survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association, “One out of five Americans has had a bed bug infestation in their home or knows someone who has encountered bed bugs at home or in a hotel.”
Note that there is no specific bed bug season! These creatures can live throughout the year, no matter the weather.
Although commercial flights and public transportation have not been in full operation lately, bed bugs will always find a way to hitchhike with travelers.
To save you time and money, hiring a trained bed bug removal professional will ensure that you spend the holidays in the comfort of your home worry-free.
2. The hospitality industry is in need of pest control reinforcement
More than ever, hotel revenues have been affected by bed bug outbreaks, spending thousands of dollars just to remedy the damages caused.
While this might seem an insignificant issue at first glance, this could negatively affect the hospitality industry.
Know that bed bugs are one of the major concerns travelers consider when looking for a place to stay. With social media, word of mouth can go a long way in affecting your business’ reputation.
3. Increasing awareness of bed bug prevention
With the ongoing surge of the pandemic, we’ve already reached a point in our lives wherein we cannot afford to be overconfident and unprepared when it comes to our overall health.
Recently, even concerns regarding bed bug infestations have not been taken lightly.
According to the 2014 Bed Bug Awareness Week survey, 95 percent of U.S. adults would do something about their bed bug problem, in 62 percent rely on pest control professionals.
It’s not too late!
Sometimes, we learn things the hard way. But when it comes to pest control, it’s never too late! You might get away with a simple and quick DIY fix. But relying on quality pest control services will always be your best bet in the long run.
At the end of the day, it’s always necessary to provide the best living and working situations for your home and business. Thankfully, in this day and age, choosing the best pest control professionals for your bed bug problem has never been easier.