Land Preparation is one of the essential tasks for any crop, as without preparing the soil, you can not grow a high yield. The implements for the soil preparation are tiller, cultivator, plough, harrow, rotary tiller, etc. On the other hand, harvesting is also a critical operation, as we get the clean product with the help of this operation. The harvester, reaper, thresher and others are the harvesting equipment. Among all these implements, let’s go with two. 

Top 2 Tractor Implements in India


Rotavator or rotary tiller is a powerful tool to prepare the land for cultivation. It smoothens the soil with its rotating blades after ploughing. The powerful tool comes with high quality and advanced gearbox. And, the Rotavator price is also reasonable to the farmers in India. 


A harvester or combine harvester machine is used to cut, gather, thresh and clean the crops. It is the best machine to take a good quality product from your crop. The 4 processes are combined in this machine, known as the combine harvester. The Harvester price is good in the market so that every farmer can buy it for their farming needs.

For more implements and tractor-mounted implements, visit Tractor Junction. Here you can also get tractors and other knowledge.