Did you know there are many types of donuts? We’re willing to bet that the Dutch didn’t know they were creating an American favorite when they first began making these fried confections. Like apple pie or NCIS.
They did. Over time, doughnuts (or, if you prefer to call them, donuts) have evolved into a variety of different types. Now there’s everything from old-fashioned donut to the “do-people-actually-eat-these” crullers to chocolate donuts topped with Oreos and cookies and cream frosting. The list isn’t as long as you think. Although Voodoo Donuts, Dough Boy Donuts constantly come up with new flavor combinations, there are only so many.
We’re going to let the yeast versus cake debate go for two seconds so you can satisfy your sweet tooth. We’d love to hear your favourite!
15 Types Of Donuts You Can Put in Your Box
1. Sprinkled Donut
Perhaps it’s Homer Simpson or our inner child, but a donut filled with sprinkles is always better! Correct: any with sprinkles are better. Perhaps this is why we never get pizza orders from our friends. For donut catering service you can contact My Sipley Donut.
2. Red Velvet Donut
Red velvet is not chocolate, but it’s delicious. Are you ready for a science lesson, red velvet is not just chocolate. Red velvet is a cake texture made from cocoa powder and buttermilk. It’s a special type of donut because of this. Let us know your thoughts by trying our red Velvet Donuts recipe.
4. Apple Cider Donuts
You can enjoy the delicious flavor of apples without having to make a fritter. Apple cider donuts are made with a cake base infused with apples and then decorated with cinnamon sugar. Enjoy with a cup of apple cider if you’re feeling extra. These might be more difficult to find in the non-autumn months. Set a reminder on your phone for September so you don’t forget!
5. Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts
Cinnamon sugar toast has become so beloved that it inspired its own brand of cereal, ice cream and pancakes. It makes perfect sense that it would be a donut. This delicious cake is sprinkled with a cinnamon-sugar combination and is great for anyone who loves snickerdoodles or cinnamon. If you are a talker, the cinnamon aroma might mask your coffee breath. We’ll use that excuse to have half a dozen of these for breakfast.
6. Cruller
Crullers are more than just fancy glazed donuts. They can also be described as a fried pastry with a twist. Crullers are usually glazed but this type of donut can be made with any flavor, as long as it has that twist. This classic is not to be confused with French crullers. They are made of a lighter dough called pate-a-choux, and have a similar shape. However, they can take a hike. The PCT seems to be a nice place at this time of the year.
8. Glazed Donut
A glazed donut is a yeast substitute for an old-fashioned. It’s simple. You can find sugar glaze at gas stations, Krispy Kreme and fancy donut shops. It comes in flavors such as lemon, strawberry, and raspberry Sriracha. Perfect glazed doughnuts should be light and sticky, but melt in your mouth. This is also our Tinder bio!
9. Donut Holes
Your grandma was a strong advocate of not letting anything go to waste. This is what I felt when donut holes was invented. These small donuts are perfect for parties, donut pops, and building limbs to Mr. Donuthead. They also have more sugar and glaze surface. They are also small so you will need to eat 15 of them to get one regular donut. Don’t check our math.
10. Potato Donuts
Although potato donuts have a similar texture and taste as cake, they are gluten-free because they are made with potatoes or potato starch. These spud creations can be glazed, frosted or drizzled with maple syrup, humanely-sourced bacon, or topped off with maple syrup.
11. Chocolate Frosted Doughnuts
What makes a donut already delicious? You can make chocolate frosting. Chocolate frosting. These s’mores-style donuts can be made with chocolate ganache and crumbled Graham crackers.
12. Boston Cream Donut
Do you find yourself craving dough, chocolate pudding, or pudding when you get up in the morning? Someone from New England did and created the Boston cream donut. This doughnut, inspired by Boston Cream Pie is a business meeting that features some of the most delicious flavors and textures. Your mouth is the only thing that matters in a conference room! HR should be called.
13. Jelly Donut
The usual coatings for jelly donuts include powdered sugar or regular sugar. It is crucial that you have the right filling-to-donut ratio to make a jelly donut. This will determine whether extra milk is needed or whether you need a lobster bib. You can start with the most basic jelly flavors, such as strawberry and grape. Then you can move on to more exotic options like gooseberry. When you reach orange marmalade, be prepared to face bears wearing raincoats.
14. Cream-Filled Doughnuts
It is similar to a jelly donut but with cream. Cream-filled donuts can be made by baking yeast donuts, then filling them with cream and sugar. You can make your fillings as wild or simple as you like, including vanilla and Cardamon Espresso. The best donuts are light on the filling but not heavy on the cream.
15. Long John Donut
This rectangular-ish donut looks similar to an eclair. However, eclairs can be baked and long johns deep-fried. Why notdeep fry an eclair? A maple bar is a short john that has maple glaze. While you’re already making smart choices, it’s time to take your long-john experience to the next level.