Would you like to become good enough to sing on the beach with friends without being ashamed?

Do you play an instrument and would like to add singing to your recordings and / or performances?

Or would you like to start a journey to perform with a band?

Whatever the reason that brought you here, you will find in our article some useful tips that will help you achieve your goal.

Below we introduce you to how to learn to sing :

1. We all know how to sing
We all know how to sing, the point is to learn to do it well and in the correct way.

Only 3-4% of the population is really “out of tune”, the others who do not have a natural gift can learn and improve.

learn to sing

Most of the “out of tune” have in fact a simple ear problem and can therefore remedy and learn the intonation.

Those who do not have the possibility to remedy are those defined as “amusici”, who have a pathology of cerebral origin.

Don’t worry about your age or “how out of tune your friends think you are,” it’s worth trying to learn to sing .don’t worry about how to learn how to sing since you will learn step by step.

2. Sing right
When you think about how to learn to sing , the first thing you should dedicate yourself to is not intonation, but the use of your body and breathing: it is useless to be in tune if it causes damage (sometimes even serious ) to one’s vocal cords!

So spend a lot of time studying your body: anyone who plays an instrument incorrectly could have joint pain, the same goes for you and the use you make of your body.

Being followed by a person in flesh and blood, means that there is a control of posture and breathing, which we could do incorrectly by ourselves.

If you do not want to take lessons, but prefer to proceed as self-taught, pay close attention to this phase and carefully follow the instructions that are offered.

Some people are left without a voice after singing or talking a lot during the day.

Professional singers (not only famous, but also those who perform for several hours at weddings), are able to sing for a long time and for consecutive days, without vocal problems.

How is it possible? Because they know how to breathe and make sounds correctly.

3. Autodittata? Warning!
Doing it yourself, when it comes to delicate things, like singing or learning to play an instrument, is not recommended.

To learn how to sing on your own , there are many tutorials and videos online, but remember that ANYONE can publish a singing lesson, but they don’t necessarily have the necessary skills.

Select carefully the material you use for the study of singing and, if you can, it is better to take lessons with a teacher, at least for the basics and breathing.

The first few times you do breathing exercises, do it leaning against a wall: inhaling and exhaling deeply could cause you to feel lightly dizzy, like when you try to inflate a life jacket without using a pump.

4. Don’t underestimate warming
We know what happens when you do gymnastics without the necessary warm-up: you find yourself with joint and muscle pain for at least two days!

The same happens with the voice: so don’t be lazy and always do the warm-up exercises.

Thanks to these exercises you will prepare your body and your voice and, by the time you start the singing session, you will already be very “warm” and ready to get the best results.

5. Learn the intonation
As we have anticipated, those who do not have natural intonation qualities can acquire them.

How to sing in tune ? With exercises that exercise the ear.

A very simple exercise can be to sing the notes : play the notes on a keyboard and repeat them with your voice.

Recording during the exercises is a great way to listen to yourself and become aware of your mistakes and even your improvements!

6. Study the theory
By studying music theory, you will learn scales and intervals.

Thanks to this, you will be able to improve your awareness of playing songs.

Even in boasting schools a minimum of theory is taught, so if you want to learn to sing at home , keep in mind the importance of this aspect.

7. Practice on scales and intervals
An exercise used as a warm-up is that of performing stairs and intervals.

You will find many free exercises on the net, in which an instrument (usually guitar or piano) plays the chord and starting from it you will have to play the fundamental note and some scales or intervals.

This exercise is great for ear training and learning to sing to music .

8. Choose carefully the songs to sing
After the basic tips on how to start singing , let’s see how to choose the songs to interpret.

Each voice is UNIQUE, so each of us is more or less inclined to perform some songs.

When you want to learn how to sing a song , then choose songs that are within your reach and that fall within your vocal range.

Over time and practice, you could gain extension and increase the difficulty level of songs, even playing those that require a wide vocal range.

9. Work in stages
Patience and constancy are the basis of learning: do not be in a hurry and proceed step by step.

Trying to get “everything immediately” never brings great results!

10. Sing “up”
Unfortunately, the common belief is that singing “high” is synonymous with being good.

This is clearly not true!

There are many successful singers who never reach “very high” notes and who conquer the public thanks to other qualities, such as a unique vocal timbre and exciting interpretations.

Each song can be adapted to your range: if the highest note of the melody exceeds it, you can “carry the chords” and play them in a lower key.

The same can be done in the reverse sense: a woman who wants to sing a man’s song will almost always have to raise the pitch to be able to reach even the lowest notes.

The problem arises when your range is lower than that of the original song.

Let’s take an example to better understand.

Sing- “up-high”
Let’s assume that the two blue keys indicate your vocal range and the yellow keys the lowest and highest note of a song’s melody.

Count how many “keys” there are between the first and the second blue, then count how many there are between the two yellow ones: the number is the same, so it will be enough to play the song in a lower key.

Sing- “up-high” -2
In this second example we see that the song (yellow) and your hypothetical range are on the same key.

Since the highest note you can play is a C (blue key on the right), you will not be able to touch the highest note of the song (E, yellow key on the right).

You can’t even think about lowering the pitch like in the previous example, as you won’t be able to play the lowest note.

With time and study, you will learn techniques that will allow you to also perform songs of this type, but at first try to dedicate yourself to songs that are suitable for you.

11. Avoid smoking
It might seem superfluous, but obviously smoking is bad for your voice as well as your health!

12. Drink some water
Having hydrated vocal cords is essential to be able to sing at your best: keep water close at hand and drink before starting the exercises and whenever you feel “dry throat”.

You drink water

13. Focus on one thing at a time
Practicing Singing , involves beginning several new concepts.

When you try to sing the first few songs, you will find yourself having to think about many things at the same time: intonation, reading the text, breathing, the tempo.

Carrying out everything step by step, perhaps focusing first only on the time and reading of the text (therefore including the duration of the notes / syllables that are pronounced), can be useful.

Mark the points to take a breath.

Once you have mastered how to keep time and spell words (no intonation, just speaking), you can proceed to start singing by focusing more on intonation.

14. Record and listen again
Often we do not realize what is emitted vocally, just think of how strange each of us finds our own voice when listened to again, perhaps in a voice message.

At first, you may already be aware of your mistakes and take steps to correct them.

As your ear becomes more trained, you will begin to hear even small inaccuracies.

Being aware of your mistakes is the basis for improvement!

15. Keep your throat open
When you sing, the throat must be “open”.

To better understand the meaning, try yawning: behold, when you yawn your throat is open!

The first few times you will probably end up yawning for real, but keep in mind the movements you do during the yawn and recreate them for singing.