Can I Get a Refund for Covid Canceled Tickets from Royal Jordanian?

Royal Jordanian is one airline that offers the best customer support and customer-oriented policies. You must have heard about the refund policy when the cancellation is made by the airlines or the person. But, what if the cancellation is made because of covid-19. Do you get a refund from airlines or not? To know this, you can read further and learn about it and see when you can get the refund.

Royal Jordanian Airlines Refund Policy During Covid:

There are certain conditions when you can get a refund from airlines, and some you may not. So it is important to check eligibility.

  • If you have any symptoms or are medically unfit due to the covid infection, you have to inform the airlines 48 hours before departure.
  • If you have passed the 48 hours risk-free period, you can get a refund from the airlines and the cancellation charges.
  • If you have canceled the ticket a week before, you can ask for a full refund from the airline.
  • Due to the covid scenario, airlines may cancel the ticket under non voluntarily condition; then, you can get the refund. Even if you are present at the airport, you can ask for the reimbursement that may be travel points or new flight booking at the same cost, but that should be done on the same of cancellation.
  • Those who own the flyer program should not worry about the cancellation that may occur due to a covid outbreak or any other cause. They are going to have a full refund from the airlines.
  • Those in no-show condition and who do not let airlines know about the cancellation will not be eligible to get a refund. For this reason, they should let the airlines know about the reason behind the cancellation and quickly apply.

If you have understood the policy and looking for how do I get a refund from Royal Jordanian in case of covid cancellation? You can contact the support person or apply online on the official website and get the refund fast without making the process hectic.