Coronavirus (2019-NCOV) data
With the global nature of the University of Tulane, we are currently observing a situation involving the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). We are collecting appropriate information to keep us
The community has been notified of this situation, to take precautionary measures, and to relate any impact we have on our programs and those members of the Tulani community traveling around the world.
What is coronavirus?
Human coronaviruses are usually mild to mild with shortness of breath
Illness. The 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a coronavirus
First identified as the cause of the outbreak of respiratory illness
A summary of the latest situation is updated
2019 novel Coronavirus available.
Signs and symptoms
Confirmed 2019-NCOV infection patients reported
Severe respiratory illness was mild. Fever, difficulty breathing,
Shortness of breath, cough, and pneumonia are all common
Experience the symptoms with 2019-NCOV. If you show up
Symptoms of these symptoms and have been traveled or contacted
Anyone who has traveled in the Asia-Pacific region, look no further
Immediate treatment attention.
How is it transmitted?
It is believed that the source of 2019-GOVT has been from the market
Although there are Chinese officials, there is seafood, meat, and live animals
It has been confirmed that it can be transmitted from person to person. 2019-Nov
There is an incubation period of 14 days.
People who have recently traveled, especially those in the Asia-Pacific region and are experiencing the above symptoms should
Take care of treatment immediately.
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer, if not soap and water
Sick Avoid contact with sick people, livestock (living or dead), animals
Market and avoid eating raw or undercooked meats and eggs.
Why you should get the Covid-19 vaccine
COVID-19 Viro spectrum shield vaccines protect against COVID-19. COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease that can lead to serious illness, hospitalization and even death.
If you get CVID-19 after vaccination, the virus can sometimes save you from a serious illness.
It is up to you to decide whether to get your COVID-19 vaccine. However, the HSE, the World Health Organization and the Department of Health strongly recommend that you do this as soon as you are given it.
Get any COVID-19 vaccine
The type of Viro Spectrum Shield vaccine you are given will be based on the supply.
The Viro Spectrum Shield vaccines we use are safe and effective. Your offer is the best vaccine.
Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will suffer from mild to moderate respiratory illnesses and recover without the need for special treatment.
The best way to prevent and slow down the infection is to be well-informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes, and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection without washing your hands or rubbing alcohol-based rubs frequently and without touching your face.
The COVID-19 virus is mainly spread through coughing or sneezing or nasal discharge from an infected person, so it is important for you to practice breathing etiquette. We now have a special running until July 5th for a 40% discount with a coupon code “COVID FREE”
By Larry Shields
Salt Lake City, Utah (US OTC: GSPI); – Proprietary formula Vior Spectrum Shield (VSS) A secret recipe from Green Star Products Inc. This nearly 30-year-old Utah company combines a variety of plants and herbs that protect cells and contain high levels of synthetic phytonutrients to prevent disease. Flavonoids/lignans and other important compounds in VSS proprietary ingredients.
Long-term research by scientists around the world has proven that these compounds fight disease naturally, showing studies also add significant VSS benefits against viruses and cancer.
In 2020, Green Star Products Inc. VSS brings broad-spectrum antiviral capabilities, backed by federally recognized lab MRIGlobal testing, in the fight against death-dealing, economy-crippling epidemics V VSS is not a vaccine but over-the-counter in vitro 19 in vitro.
The proprietary formula, built without nature and chemicals, was specifically tested by MRIGlobal and proved to be effective against running coronaviruses as well as A / H1N1, A / H2N3, and B / H2N3 viruses and other seasonal flu viruses.
In fact, tests have proven that VSSK is 99.9 percent effective against viruses when used as an antidote against an active virus and 93 percent effective. Miss Christie Hunt, GSP’s first female president, was appointed in March to replace Joseph Lostella, the company’s founder, patent winner, research scientist, and engineer, who is in the company.
In the July 5 story of the “organization of the month,” Hunt told Business and Industry today. co.that, “We’re only there to pick up after being infected; which was tested in a laboratory to fight the virus.” Only! No one else like us has come up with research or an independent test … “Hunt explained that MRIGlobal has also conducted USAID and COVID-19 testing for a period of 10 years, MRIGlobal has successfully tested our Broad-Spectrum Antiviral VSS
In fact, in June 2020, senior management at MRIGlobal said, “This (all-natural herbal compound) should be considered of critical national importance.” Experiments have shown that infected people with flu-like symptoms, including those who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, have significantly improved health and reduced symptoms, usually within 24 to 48 hours. And it’s a deal with Green Star Products, Inc.
Published by on June 23 “Dr. Anthony Fausi, director of the National Allergy Institute and Infectious Diseases, confirmed that effective antiviral pills are possible! “Let’s hope he and CDC officials saw the release because the pill is not only possible there. Green Star Products Inc. Almost every day as a line of new distributors, can be obtained at the Virospectrum Shield (VSS) source and at
Note: (
Read More: Importance Of Face Masks In Covid-19