Why Does Salmon Taste So Fishy?

The American Heart Association suggests eating fish (especially fatty fish) at least twice a week (two servings). Salmon is one of my favorite fatty fish. But what if you’ve been receiving Salmon Fillet Frozen Salmo Salar and can’t bear the scent or taste of it?

This week, we’ll discuss what produces that fishy odour, as well as at least one thing you can do about it. Why does salmon, or any other fish for that matter, have a fishy odour in the first place? As an angler who, on occasion, pulls salmon from the water in the morning and prepares them for supper that night, I can assure you that salmon should not have a fishy flavour or odour. However, after a few days in the fridge, that delicious fresh salmon begins to smell ‘fishy.’

The explanation for this is a molecule called trimethylamine N-oxide, which experts believe acts as an anti-freeze and protects a fish’s biological proteins from the deep pressures. When a fish dies, the issue begins.

Trimethylamine N-oxide begins to break down into Trimethylamine after a fish has died. This molecule is responsible for the distinct fishy odour you’ve undoubtedly encountered at a fish market.

When it comes to preventing smelly fish, prevention is important!

The essential ingredient in preventing the fishy smell is clear now that you know it originates from a molecule that is too lengthy to say breaking down into one that is marginally more pronounceable.

Buy fresher fish!

Even the freshest fish in the supermarket had to go through the process of being caught, processed, frozen, thawed, and exhibited. It’s only been above freezing for a few days under ideal conditions, but that’s long enough for trimethylamine N-oxide to start breaking down and stinking up your otherwise lovely fish.

Find the busiest fish markets and stay away from the ones that appear to be shady. Before you buy your salmon or other seafood, don’t be afraid to ask to smell it. It won’t get any better by the time you get it home if it smells fishy now.

Before you prepare your fish, make sure it’s in good shape.
When you walk into a grocery store, the meat counter is generally one of the first places you go. What effect may this have on your fish? I recommend making a visit at the fish counter your final stop before leaving. You might also wish to carry a small cooler with a cold pack to keep your fish cool on the way home.
Is it too psychedelic for you? Because the chemical breakdown that causes the fishy smell is what we’re attempting to prevent, the cooler we can keep our fish, the slower that process will be and the less fishy scent your salmon will have.

What can you do to eliminate that fishy smell?

If you still can’t get rid of some of the awful fish smell after all of this, sprinkle it with lemon juice. Lemon juice is acidic, and it transforms the amines’ volatile molecules to a less volatile salt. This has the effect of binding up the smelly compounds into a form that you can’t smell or taste as strongly.
I hope this essay has helped you realize that salmon should not have a fishy flavor or odour. Fresh fish is delicious and, to be honest, tastes like salmon. There isn’t another way to put it. To avoid’stinky fish syndrome,’ shop more carefully, smell fish before buying it, and store it properly.