One is a lonely number, right? Two sounds a lot better. This is measured in terms of experience and results.

However, the other partner may not be entirely human, as this may evolve to be more of a technological partner.

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No disrespect to anyone, but we can all make mistakes and misculations from time to time. Technology, on the hand, if programmed right can be the perfect antidote to your growth.

But we need to know a few things first.

What you need to know

You have to find a partner, then feed your partner with the right information.

However, in order to do this, you have to find someone who believes in you, your brand and can adapt to your industry.

Get someone who is on the same wavelength as you. This is going to make the process a lot more enjoyable and stress free.

Think both short term and long term, but focus all of your attention on one at a time, this is going to make communication a lot more clearer.

The strategy

You are going to have to be comfortable in your businesses next strategy. Learning about the key areas of this move will help you to deliver it to your partner.

Have a think about it, write some notes, draw a mindmap, whatever you feel like.

As i mentioned before, the majority of the partners feedback will be presented in technology, more specifically an app.

It would be useful to buy a phone that is heavily updated with the latest software and technology, so you get the very best out of it.

But it’s very important that you first provide them with the right information.

As, you will be abiding by this app as a means for collecting valuable feedback, general information, data and more.

So, you want the information to be tailored to your industry. Therefore, you need to find a service that has innovation at its forefront.

Industries are getting competitive and technology can be the make or break it for startups. Adaptable modern technology is the best way forward.


How is this app going to perform?

In my opinion, you need to be able to use the app with ease and access information whenever you please.

So the first thing is making sure you are happy with its functionality

The next thing to look out for is the overall design. You can create the design to suit your brand or design it in the simplest way possible.

There is no right or wrong answer here.

If you are stuck on this part, then the structure of the design needs to be in good relation along with your brands goals and objectives.

This may help structure your ideas and thought processes.


This is similar to the above. But, like stage 1, consider how you are going to use this platform going forward.

Connecting with other users, including team members and customers, may be really important to the overall growth of your business.

By enabling others to connect with your ideas and brand, that’s how you can build a solid 

Network of clients and co-workers.

We usually work best in numbers. It is an important feature.

It will also take the pressure off you.


The solution can be broken down into these 3 areas:

  • Find a partner who is on the same wavelength as you.
  • Provide them with the right info regarding your business goals.
  • Use the latest technology when implementing your next strategy.
  • Build a network.

Each step needs time for development, but the process will be enjoyable, hopefully for both parties.

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