Americans have been known to celebrate all the things in life with golf course cigars to such an extent that it has become a tradition for a golf course cigar. Birthdays, winning a match, job promotions, anniversaries, all just call for a cigar and that has been going on for so long that it has known to become a tradition now. Even business meetings involve exchanging cigars in the context of starting a business opportunity together and judge on the basis of the quality and exclusivity of cigars. But where did this tradition come from or why we celebrate with cigars is the real question here.

Soon after Spain developed the fine art of wrapping cigars, America started growing its own tobacco, and since then Cigar smoking became a vessel for socializing and relaxation among people. The cigar was a slow smoke, allowing one to take the time to enjoy and appreciate it while interacting with others. It was during these times where people interacted with each other. The incredible cigar experience soon became connected with milestones, memories, and celebrations.


Why do we celebrate with Cigars?


  1. Symbol of Wealth and Power.

Cigars were considered the epitome of Luxury. So, cigars symbolized great wealth and power. Gradually, they also became a fashion statement and were getting more and more in demand and being well established as a symbol of wealth. Now with such a status, it was obvious that they would be used as golf course cigars and gifts for occasions.


  1. Calms the Nerves.

Smoking Tobacco or a cigar is known to calm the nerves and is thus, also used as a way to soothe the nerves by people from all around the globe. They’re also smoked at gender reveal or childbirth parties with the color of the band on the cigar representing the gender of the newborn.


  1. Part of the Social Endurance

Smoking a cigar is all part of the social experience. It’s the time where you relax with your friends or family, just smoking a cigar and being away from the celebration for a while and chilling with everyone.


It’s a centuries-old tradition now to celebrate with cigars or endure social events with cigars. Cigars mark a great tradition of celebrating every occasion, small or big with people that matter and everyone love it.