One of the factors that impact the functioning of the crane is the different moods of mother nature. When the weather conditions are extreme, it becomes necessary to ensure that certain aspects of the crane are functioning. The Crane Hire Melbourne makes it possible to get extended hire times when you have to delay the use of the crane due to varied weather.

However, in other circumstances, projects must be finished on time due which could be possible due to Hire mobile cranes Melbourne services, even if the conditions are suboptimal or harsh. In which case, extra precautionary measures must be taken to reduce any hazards associated with these operations. Here are some of the weather conditions and measures that one should undertake.

Stormy Winds

Strong winds are capable of blowing the heavy equipment, including the counted crane, when the intensity is beyond expectation and the foundation of the crane is weak. With mobile cranes, you may be able to safeguard the crane by planning it in protected premises.

In times of deadlines, you may be tempted to work with the crane at times of stormy winds. That is the last thing you would want to do, especially if you have no idea regarding the weather forecast or the intensity of the wind. So, make sure to have a check on the velocity before you get the crane rolling for work.

Crane Hire


One of the extreme elements of extreme weather even capable of taking lives in the spur of the moment is the thunder stroke. The height of the crane and its metal body makes it highly susceptible to get struck by lightning.

The safety of the workers is the prime responsibility, especially in extreme weather conditions like lightning. As soon as you realize that the weather is gradually turning bad and there is a hint of increased lightning, the first thing you should do is turn off the crane, lower the arm and leave the site to a safer place. This would alleviate the chance of getting struck.


Another extreme weather element that you must consider is heavy rain when you operate the crane. Some crane parts, such as the clutch and brakes, can be flooded by a large amount of rain. If these parts become wet, they may interfere with the operation of your cranes. Worse, they may cause damage to the cranes, necessitating expensive repairs and upkeep.

As a result, if heavy rain begins to fall, you must temporarily halt activities until the storm ceases. The easiest method to ensure that your cranes do not cause any issues and problems is to do a complete assessment of the weather conditions prior to carrying out crane operations. Rather than losing some personnel, causing property damage, or wrecking your cranes, it is preferable to temporarily halt your activities.

Although these challenges can be reduced by correctly operating cranes, these devices can still present problems when employed in inclement weather, but the Hire Mobile Cranes Melbourne services would provide the facility to hire it later when the weather is good.

Source: What To Look Out For While Using Carne In The Weather Condition?