My laptop has died in the past. The first time was in 2013. I had a Dell Inspiron, and I had a really bad feeling when it shut off suddenly while I was typing on it. It wouldn’t turn back on when I rebooted, so my dad bought me a new one from Best Buy for $300. In 2016, computer number 2 broke down again. This time it just wouldn’t turn on at all! The screen was black and nothing would happen when you pressed the power button or tried to start up normally with pressing F2 or F8 (I’m not sure if this is what they were called…). This one would even make an attempt to start up but then quickly flash a black screen before going back to the normal Windows loading page. My dad bought me yet another Dell laptop from Best Buy, but this time around we paid over $500 for it instead of under $300 like my last laptop cost us three years prior! In both instances where computer number 2 broke down, we took them into Best Buy and they were able to fix them within less than 24 hours at no charge to us! That’s why we chose their company again after the second break down of our original purchase. I am not ready for the internet of things to be here quite yet, but I understand that technology is always changing. For now my laptop works just fine, and I am happy with it.

If your laptop breaks down on you unexpectedly, there are some steps you can take in order to get it fixed. The first thing you should do is check online for any possible fixes or solutions that may fix your computer all on your own! This way if the fix works out for you, then great! You will have saved yourself some cash by taking matters into your own hands before having to pay someone else to do so. If the solution doesn’t work out for you, then at least you tried everything possible before spending tons of money replacing parts within your computer or even buying a new one altogether! If this does happen however and none of the fixes work out for me, then I would go into Best Buy or another electronics store that sells laptops and see if they can help me fix my broken machine entirely over the phone while I’m standing in front of them. This way they can determine what is causing my problem and I will be able to keep my computer. If they tell me that the part needs to be replaced, or if it’s something they can fix themselves, then I would ask them how much it would cost me to fix the laptop. If it’s something that is more expensive than buying a new one, then I may consider replacing it instead of spending hundreds on fixing computer number 2! One thing that most people don’t know is that you can actually purchase an extended warranty for your laptop! This is especially helpful because if your computer breaks down two times within the first year of owning it (which happened with me), you will need to spend less money since you already have some money saved up for repairs due to having an extended warranty. Best Buy sells warranties for Apple products like Macbooks and iPads, and I believe they also sell them for Dell computers as well! If you’re worried that your computer will die on you in the near future, then considering buying an extended warranty is a good idea!

I hope this post was helpful in some way. I know it can be frustrating when your laptop breaks down unexpectedly, but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road. There are always options that you can take to fix your computer or replace it with something new if necessary. When my laptop broke down again, we took it into Best Buy where they fixed our problem within 24 hours without having to pay us any money at all! That’s why I love Best Buy so much because their customer service is great and they are very nice to work with when trying to fix problems

I hope this was helpful for you in some way, and I will be posting more useful content in the near future.